In Islam, a marrige is valid only these conditions are fulfilled :
1. Groom (pegantin lelaki)
2. Bride (pengantin perempuan)
Wali4. 2 witness (Only men)
5. Aqad (Marriage contract)
Every women who are getting married, there will be a Wali or marriage guardian who is male next of kin to the bride.All of them must be from father's side.
Being an orphan is not as easy as whom their parents are still alive. I've been doing most of the things alone since past 10 years after my father passed away. Luckily i am an independent type of person...kalo dak saheh xleh survive.
When my father died, my Wali (marriage guardian) will be :
My younger brother
My Pakngah (My father's elder brother)
My Pakchak (My father's younger brother)
My Paktam (My father's younger brother)
My Pakndak (My father's youngest brother)
As i am getting engaged next month, my mom told me to talk to my Pakngah and get his consent about the engagement but i asked my mom to talk to him instead (apa punya anak dara laaa...). We keep delaying our plan to meet Pakngah as both of us busy for work and few other things. Yesterday we met him around 12.30 noon at his place. So we talked about the Mahr etc and he will try to go back and represent our family on the day or else Pakchak has to be there.
He suggested that the wedding (Walima) on our side being held at Tokwan's house in Taman Berjaya Alor Star but i'm afraid that my mom won't agree so the wedding will be in Arau on my side. Pakngah also suggested the other function will be held in KL for special guests as most of my uncles and aunties (my father's cousins) are here. And i said if he wants to sponsor my wedding then should be okay (lari la bajet kalo wat kt KL nih) and he mentioned about Dr Afifuddin's Restaurant in Damansara Perdana...hehehe.....we don't mind anyway.....janji free....ahaks.........
I called my mom to inform her about this as i believe Pakngah already talk to my mom on everything. now all family affairs are settled and i need to prepare for the hantaran thingy as well as other things...
About the makan2 during my engagement, let my mom decide.I miss my grandma as i haven't talked to her for weeks now. I hardly call her at home as she can't really hear the phone ring. When i called my mom at nite she must be sleeping. I need to talk to her a few words as i was dreaming about her last nite ( ni kes homesick la nih)