I am so tired of the peoples around me who don't understand me or pretend that they understand nothing!!!!!
I was so busy for the past few weeks and unable to meet for lunch or coffee or even greet them online, offline, or other places that we usually meet. They mentioned that i ignored them. Adoooiiiiiiii.........
I am so focused if i am assigned to do something. From the past few weeks i am involved in preparing everything for few events. It started with the Analysts and Fund Managers briefing prior to the listing till yesterday's launching.This is the most important event in our history. The new identity of the biggest plantation company in the world with market capitalisation will be more than RM60million is to be revealed.
Everything goes fine for both events. Eventhough i am so tired and my legs hurt. I can't keep smiling and entertaining our guests. Giving hands here and there as well as assisting them so that the event run smoothly. The briefing was great as i was leading the event. It was my biggest achievement this year. I am so glad that my boss was so impressed with my work. Perhaps i'll get promoted or better increment next year ;) They launching was fascinating. They begin with opening gambit of the drum show then the speech by the PM, our Chairman and ended with 3D show as well as new tv commercial of our new renamed branding. Congratulations to all.....
I wonder why these peoples do not understand. Why must they argue as i never argue when they are busy. Luckily my dearie-soon-to-be-hubby never complaint during these busy and hectic period. He is always there when i need him. I am so thankful to have him in my life eventhough we have some tiny little messy thingy (biasa la kan..sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit).
I am so tired with this...i need to go for a break...but where to????
Friday, November 30, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Cerita Bertunang Lagi...
In Islam, a marrige is valid only these conditions are fulfilled :
1. Groom (pegantin lelaki)
2. Bride (pengantin perempuan)
3. Wali
4. 2 witness (Only men)
5. Aqad (Marriage contract)
Every women who are getting married, there will be a Wali or marriage guardian who is male next of kin to the bride.All of them must be from father's side.
Being an orphan is not as easy as whom their parents are still alive. I've been doing most of the things alone since past 10 years after my father passed away. Luckily i am an independent type of person...kalo dak saheh xleh survive.
When my father died, my Wali (marriage guardian) will be :
My younger brother
My Pakngah (My father's elder brother)
My Pakchak (My father's younger brother)
My Paktam (My father's younger brother)
My Pakndak (My father's youngest brother)
As i am getting engaged next month, my mom told me to talk to my Pakngah and get his consent about the engagement but i asked my mom to talk to him instead (apa punya anak dara laaa...). We keep delaying our plan to meet Pakngah as both of us busy for work and few other things. Yesterday we met him around 12.30 noon at his place. So we talked about the Mahr etc and he will try to go back and represent our family on the day or else Pakchak has to be there.
He suggested that the wedding (Walima) on our side being held at Tokwan's house in Taman Berjaya Alor Star but i'm afraid that my mom won't agree so the wedding will be in Arau on my side. Pakngah also suggested the other function will be held in KL for special guests as most of my uncles and aunties (my father's cousins) are here. And i said if he wants to sponsor my wedding then should be okay (lari la bajet kalo wat kt KL nih) and he mentioned about Dr Afifuddin's Restaurant in Damansara Perdana...hehehe.....we don't mind anyway.....janji free....ahaks.........
I called my mom to inform her about this as i believe Pakngah already talk to my mom on everything. Legaaa.....so now all family affairs are settled and i need to prepare for the hantaran thingy as well as other things...
About the makan2 during my engagement, let my mom decide.I miss my grandma as i haven't talked to her for weeks now. I hardly call her at home as she can't really hear the phone ring. When i called my mom at nite she must be sleeping. I need to talk to her a few words as i was dreaming about her last nite ( ni kes homesick la nih)
1. Groom (pegantin lelaki)
2. Bride (pengantin perempuan)
3. Wali
4. 2 witness (Only men)
5. Aqad (Marriage contract)
Every women who are getting married, there will be a Wali or marriage guardian who is male next of kin to the bride.All of them must be from father's side.
Being an orphan is not as easy as whom their parents are still alive. I've been doing most of the things alone since past 10 years after my father passed away. Luckily i am an independent type of person...kalo dak saheh xleh survive.
When my father died, my Wali (marriage guardian) will be :
My younger brother
My Pakngah (My father's elder brother)
My Pakchak (My father's younger brother)
My Paktam (My father's younger brother)
My Pakndak (My father's youngest brother)
As i am getting engaged next month, my mom told me to talk to my Pakngah and get his consent about the engagement but i asked my mom to talk to him instead (apa punya anak dara laaa...). We keep delaying our plan to meet Pakngah as both of us busy for work and few other things. Yesterday we met him around 12.30 noon at his place. So we talked about the Mahr etc and he will try to go back and represent our family on the day or else Pakchak has to be there.
He suggested that the wedding (Walima) on our side being held at Tokwan's house in Taman Berjaya Alor Star but i'm afraid that my mom won't agree so the wedding will be in Arau on my side. Pakngah also suggested the other function will be held in KL for special guests as most of my uncles and aunties (my father's cousins) are here. And i said if he wants to sponsor my wedding then should be okay (lari la bajet kalo wat kt KL nih) and he mentioned about Dr Afifuddin's Restaurant in Damansara Perdana...hehehe.....we don't mind anyway.....janji free....ahaks.........
I called my mom to inform her about this as i believe Pakngah already talk to my mom on everything. Legaaa.....so now all family affairs are settled and i need to prepare for the hantaran thingy as well as other things...
About the makan2 during my engagement, let my mom decide.I miss my grandma as i haven't talked to her for weeks now. I hardly call her at home as she can't really hear the phone ring. When i called my mom at nite she must be sleeping. I need to talk to her a few words as i was dreaming about her last nite ( ni kes homesick la nih)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
All disconnected....
This morning when i switched on my pc at work i found that a lot of icons missing....my YM, my Picture Project (i edited my photos here) and few others icon including my lotus notes for email (ni ofis use la mangkuk....lg mau delete kaaa???????)
I don't understand y they are doing this.......nk kata kaco server tak mungkin...entah ler.....malas nk pikiaq.....i'll get an internet connection at home a.s.a.p
I don't understand y they are doing this.......nk kata kaco server tak mungkin...entah ler.....malas nk pikiaq.....i'll get an internet connection at home a.s.a.p
Monday, November 19, 2007
Watashiwa Sakura Hanari desu.....
I got my Japanese name from here which i cilok this from Qayyim......
Makna? ....Sakura means Bunga Sakura of course...blossoming during spring....and Hanari...errmmm....xtau la..kena tunggu Qayyim tlg translate...
My Japanese name is Sakura Hanari.
Take The Original Japanese Name Generator by Shu today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
Makna? ....Sakura means Bunga Sakura of course...blossoming during spring....and Hanari...errmmm....xtau la..kena tunggu Qayyim tlg translate...
Friday, November 16, 2007
My wish list
I am supposed to loose 15kg prior to my wedding...if i managed to loose that much i will be rewarded 15 items by my soon-to-be-husband......and here the list goesss.......
1. Toyota Yaris
2. Laptop - cap apa undecided
3. Nokia N95
4. Convention Oven
5. Tefal grill
6. Food processor + Mixer + blender
7. Baking class (pastries)
8. Coti2....perhentian....tioman....payar...
9. Diving course(uhhh...uhhh...yeaaaa........hehehehe)
10.Lasik (i don want glasses anymore...asik kemik ja)
11.Collections of my fav cook book
12.Nihon-go dictionary + classes + books + kanji set
13.Visit to Nihon...againnnn.......yea! yea!
14.Shoes(Clarks laaa.......)...handbags(LV,Gucci,Fendii wht else? of my choice yerr)......baju baru ( i want viscouse or cotton ya at least)
15.The most importang thing of all i need his love,his prayer,his care for me n our future family....i want him to love and to care fo me till death do us apart...
1. Toyota Yaris
2. Laptop - cap apa undecided
3. Nokia N95
4. Convention Oven
5. Tefal grill
6. Food processor + Mixer + blender
7. Baking class (pastries)
8. Coti2....perhentian....tioman....payar...
9. Diving course(uhhh...uhhh...yeaaaa........hehehehe)
10.Lasik (i don want glasses anymore...asik kemik ja)
11.Collections of my fav cook book
12.Nihon-go dictionary + classes + books + kanji set
13.Visit to Nihon...againnnn.......yea! yea!
14.Shoes(Clarks laaa.......)...handbags(LV,Gucci,Fendii wht else? of my choice yerr)......baju baru ( i want viscouse or cotton ya at least)
15.The most importang thing of all i need his love,his prayer,his care for me n our future family....i want him to love and to care fo me till death do us apart...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Kereta untukku
Actually it should be read as "What Sports Car are you?". I am so tired now and waiting for my dearie soon to be my hubby to come and fetch me at work. Bukan apa...x larat nk naik lrt plak hr ni...sekali sekala nk bermanja...hehehehe.....
So i browse a few blog site belongs to my fren. Sekali tertekan sapa tah punya blog n this kinda quiz appear. So i answered the questions and this is the result....

So i browse a few blog site belongs to my fren. Sekali tertekan sapa tah punya blog n this kinda quiz appear. So i answered the questions and this is the result....
I'm a Chevrolet Corvette!
You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
Blh thn gak...hehehe....but i was just for fun anyway...i don't like sports car....i prefer big n cozy type of car which suit my chomel size hehehe....but i prefer TOYOTA anyway.....
Monday, November 12, 2007
What in my mind now...
I only realised that i only have 39 days i.e 5-6 weeks before my engagement...alamakkkkkkk!!!! do i hv enough time to prepare for everything? Besides i have few things to do during November n December.
My schedule will be like this :
15 Nov : Analysts Briefing
24-25 Nov : Balik kampung
27 Nov : Synergy Drive Launching (one whole day nih)
01 Dec : KOOP SIM meeting,wedding anak Pak Ndak E kt Pandan
08 Dec : Anak Pak Didik's wedding
14-16 Dec : YPN's Motivation camp for anak2 yatim
10 days for these....means i only have 29 days!!!!!! aduiiiiiiiii.............makin dekat hari makin bz plak la cek....
Luckily i have send my baju n tudung n veil for my fren to do the finishing part which is sewing the beads on it...siap 1 hal...
I called the mak andam for make up and will meet her next week when i go back to my home town
My bestfren, Wan will lend me her dulang n alas for hantaran. I just need 5 of them.
My schedule will be like this :
15 Nov : Analysts Briefing
24-25 Nov : Balik kampung
27 Nov : Synergy Drive Launching (one whole day nih)
01 Dec : KOOP SIM meeting,wedding anak Pak Ndak E kt Pandan
08 Dec : Anak Pak Didik's wedding
14-16 Dec : YPN's Motivation camp for anak2 yatim
10 days for these....means i only have 29 days!!!!!! aduiiiiiiiii.............makin dekat hari makin bz plak la cek....
Luckily i have send my baju n tudung n veil for my fren to do the finishing part which is sewing the beads on it...siap 1 hal...
I called the mak andam for make up and will meet her next week when i go back to my home town
My bestfren, Wan will lend me her dulang n alas for hantaran. I just need 5 of them.
What else? owhh.........i made a booking for the cake from Kak Nina weeks ago n mentioned to her on the decorations i wanted to have.
I browse few websites i know (ni time xdak keja menimbun) and i found a very interesting theme. EXOTIC NATURE....got some birds in nests, butterfly,flowers n fruits....so i'm going back next week n look for these items in the border...i hope i can get lilies too as i love lilies (cam bunga org mati plak..but i like lorr...)
Rings....i told him that i wanted 2 rings for the engagement, 1 for merisik n 1 for bertunang....unfortunately he said all must be YELLOW GOLD...no White Gold....but i ask for PLATINUM instead...hahahaha....jahatnyer akuuu.......xper la....YELLOW pun YELLOW la as long as both of us are happy...takkan la sorg nk senyum sorg nk muncung plak kan?
I always wanted a simple design of ring and this time for our engagement i want a plain ring to match with another ring which i hope it will be a diamond on it. Bila nk beli? Early of december perhaps...let me finish the hantaran thingy 1st. So where am i this saturday? Pasar Malam Jln TAR la kot....
I browse few websites i know (ni time xdak keja menimbun) and i found a very interesting theme. EXOTIC NATURE....got some birds in nests, butterfly,flowers n fruits....so i'm going back next week n look for these items in the border...i hope i can get lilies too as i love lilies (cam bunga org mati plak..but i like lorr...)
Rings....i told him that i wanted 2 rings for the engagement, 1 for merisik n 1 for bertunang....unfortunately he said all must be YELLOW GOLD...no White Gold....but i ask for PLATINUM instead...hahahaha....jahatnyer akuuu.......xper la....YELLOW pun YELLOW la as long as both of us are happy...takkan la sorg nk senyum sorg nk muncung plak kan?
I always wanted a simple design of ring and this time for our engagement i want a plain ring to match with another ring which i hope it will be a diamond on it. Bila nk beli? Early of december perhaps...let me finish the hantaran thingy 1st. So where am i this saturday? Pasar Malam Jln TAR la kot....
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
This morning i left home early around 7.30.In front of my aprtment (should i say flat??) door i realize i only have a pair of Scholl sandal to work. Actually i have :
1. 3 ankle length boots in black,dark blue n brown
2. 1 pair of Scholl 1 inch heel sandal
3. 1 pair of Clarks sandal for outing
Alahaiii.......banyak ni jer? I used to wear stilettos but recently i hardly wear that kind of footwear as i put on a lot of weight. If i wear those stilettos now i may have a backache and both of my feet my be painful which may cause me alot of troubles if i walk. I wonder what should i do...i need a new pair of sandal which i can use to work or outing.
I went to Sogo last week and i saw a really nice looking sandal at Scholl.It is a pump which the sole made from wood...kira ala2 kasut kayu la..it was so good and it cost only RM100...really crazy for it. Unfortunately, that was the last pair and it was in size 7. I am in size 9..huhuhuhu...mana nk cari lg?????? The following day i went to KLCC and looking for Scholl as well..unfortunately there were no the 1 which i looking for...frustnyerrr.....kat mana lg nk cari tah la...
I really hope that Clarks sale will be just around the corner but it has still no news about it...arrggghhhhhhhh...............dying for a new shoes.....!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. 3 ankle length boots in black,dark blue n brown
2. 1 pair of Scholl 1 inch heel sandal
3. 1 pair of Clarks sandal for outing
Alahaiii.......banyak ni jer? I used to wear stilettos but recently i hardly wear that kind of footwear as i put on a lot of weight. If i wear those stilettos now i may have a backache and both of my feet my be painful which may cause me alot of troubles if i walk. I wonder what should i do...i need a new pair of sandal which i can use to work or outing.
I went to Sogo last week and i saw a really nice looking sandal at Scholl.It is a pump which the sole made from wood...kira ala2 kasut kayu la..it was so good and it cost only RM100...really crazy for it. Unfortunately, that was the last pair and it was in size 7. I am in size 9..huhuhuhu...mana nk cari lg?????? The following day i went to KLCC and looking for Scholl as well..unfortunately there were no the 1 which i looking for...frustnyerrr.....kat mana lg nk cari tah la...
I really hope that Clarks sale will be just around the corner but it has still no news about it...arrggghhhhhhhh...............dying for a new shoes.....!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 5, 2007
It's the time....
I was waiting for so long to hear from him telling my mom that we are getting engaged. It happened last nite..unfortunately i was not there to witness the moment.
My mom arrived from Kuching yesterday afternoon. She went there last week for a trip kinda thing (lawatan sambil belajar ke apakebendatah...sumer makcik2 belaka).Today they will be attending UMNO meeting in PWTC.
As she arrived in the afternoon, we have to reschedule our plan to visit Qismina Najwa in HTAR, Klang. Luckily i have to go and fetch her in front of The Legend and sent her back home as she wanted to rest from a long trip.
Then we go straight to HTAR and visit Najwa.She was admitted last week due to Cellucitis, a skin infections.
We arrived home around 9 and fetched mom for dinner. So sorry....malas nk masak...hehehe...We had rice,tomyam,vege n other few things. At first i advised him to talk to my mom about our engagement thingy n he agreed. I was waiting till we finished eating but still he hasn't say any words on it. Then i dropped by to get some groceries as they were waiting in the car. When i returned i heard him asking how many rings should he bring....alamaaaakkkkkk.!!!!! terlepas la that moment...huhuhuh....i wanted to witnessed on my own but tak sempat....huhuhuhu.......
He mentioned that the wedding might need to be earlier as his brother planning to wed in July next year.Adoiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! y do i need to sacrifice my plan for other people? Asyik nk kena bg laluan ke pihak penaja ja.Take turn la..We planned to wed in mid of May next year but he mentioned that it may be brought forward to March...jgn clash ngn Tijah Manja dah la...sure makcik tu muncung plak...
Until today, i realised that i haven't do anything yet for my wedding.Alamakkkk.....sempat ker nih?????? The hantaran for bertunang pun tak prepare lg...huhuhuhu......where should i start??????
My mom arrived from Kuching yesterday afternoon. She went there last week for a trip kinda thing (lawatan sambil belajar ke apakebendatah...sumer makcik2 belaka).Today they will be attending UMNO meeting in PWTC.
As she arrived in the afternoon, we have to reschedule our plan to visit Qismina Najwa in HTAR, Klang. Luckily i have to go and fetch her in front of The Legend and sent her back home as she wanted to rest from a long trip.
Then we go straight to HTAR and visit Najwa.She was admitted last week due to Cellucitis, a skin infections.
We arrived home around 9 and fetched mom for dinner. So sorry....malas nk masak...hehehe...We had rice,tomyam,vege n other few things. At first i advised him to talk to my mom about our engagement thingy n he agreed. I was waiting till we finished eating but still he hasn't say any words on it. Then i dropped by to get some groceries as they were waiting in the car. When i returned i heard him asking how many rings should he bring....alamaaaakkkkkk.!!!!! terlepas la that moment...huhuhuh....i wanted to witnessed on my own but tak sempat....huhuhuhu.......
He mentioned that the wedding might need to be earlier as his brother planning to wed in July next year.Adoiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! y do i need to sacrifice my plan for other people? Asyik nk kena bg laluan ke pihak penaja ja.Take turn la..We planned to wed in mid of May next year but he mentioned that it may be brought forward to March...jgn clash ngn Tijah Manja dah la...sure makcik tu muncung plak...
Until today, i realised that i haven't do anything yet for my wedding.Alamakkkk.....sempat ker nih?????? The hantaran for bertunang pun tak prepare lg...huhuhuhu......where should i start??????
Friday, November 2, 2007
I would like to share a story today. It is not about the fish called flowerhorn, it is about a person whom i called flowerhorn. She is an executive in my dept. Always wearing short skirts,dress etc. I don't care whatever she wears. But she always commenting on what other peoples wear especially me n Kak Sabariah, the other secretary in the office.
I called her flowerhorn because there was a day which she wore blouse with stripes pint on it with variety mix of colors as well as blue short skirt.The day before she said that i wore a very colorful kebaya.It was only mixture of fushia n green. Takde la terang bederang sgt pun. Dia sorg2 ja perasan lebih. From that day i called her using that name.Secret code la kiranya tuh.
Today we are having an open house for corporate clients. So all of us in the department have to attend n be the penyambut tetamu throughout the event.So all of muslims staffs needs to wear bj kurung..of course la kan...dh nama pun open hse raya.
I wear bj kurung moden which i called bj Rafidah Aziz as our MITI Minister love to wear that kind of baju. This time green color...biggest plantations co in the world.Kena green lebih la...hehehe...
Back to flowerhorn's story. She walk with that cahrlie chaplin and passing by my cubicle n suddenly said..."i look like kampung wearing this baju kurung"..eeeeeeeee....please laaaa.......dah melayu tu toksah la dok perasan lebih2...engkau tu lg itam dr aku...kot aku ni yg ala2 amoi mata sepet lain la kalo nk kata camtu...hmm..entah la...manusia ni pelik gak aku...yg dia dok tayang2 peha tu tak plak rasa cam murahan
I called her flowerhorn because there was a day which she wore blouse with stripes pint on it with variety mix of colors as well as blue short skirt.The day before she said that i wore a very colorful kebaya.It was only mixture of fushia n green. Takde la terang bederang sgt pun. Dia sorg2 ja perasan lebih. From that day i called her using that name.Secret code la kiranya tuh.
Today we are having an open house for corporate clients. So all of us in the department have to attend n be the penyambut tetamu throughout the event.So all of muslims staffs needs to wear bj kurung..of course la kan...dh nama pun open hse raya.
I wear bj kurung moden which i called bj Rafidah Aziz as our MITI Minister love to wear that kind of baju. This time green color...biggest plantations co in the world.Kena green lebih la...hehehe...
Back to flowerhorn's story. She walk with that cahrlie chaplin and passing by my cubicle n suddenly said..."i look like kampung wearing this baju kurung"..eeeeeeeee....please laaaa.......dah melayu tu toksah la dok perasan lebih2...engkau tu lg itam dr aku...kot aku ni yg ala2 amoi mata sepet lain la kalo nk kata camtu...hmm..entah la...manusia ni pelik gak aku...yg dia dok tayang2 peha tu tak plak rasa cam murahan
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Cerita Sabtu Lepas...
I attended raya open house by my best fren since we were 13 in her villa located in Kajang. We were there almost 7.00pm due to heavy traffic. Cuti2 pun jln jem...pelik btoi la.
There were her siblings and in laws as well as our fren Tijah Manja and her fiance' for just a week ago, Judin Debab. Judin that time was smoking outside the villa. In front of the gate. I greet him so do my Love, besa la...my Love ni berbudi bahasa sket.
Suddenly this Judin loudly said that "Aku nampak hang haritu depan rumah pakai suar pendek"..adussssssss..malunya cek.He was referring to the day they were engaged, 3rd day of Syawal. The day before, my house and the whole area of my kampung affected by flood and the water flows only the day after leaving with dirts and muds. So my brother and i had to clean the house as my mom has to take care of our gandmother. She was admitted the day before as she slipped on the floor and had a heart attack due to the fall.Luckily no fractured or serious injury, only bruises on her hands and she admitted on the next afternoon i.e 3rd day of Syawal.
I told Tijah that i was unable to attend her engagement early due to the chaos in our house. I can only be there late in the afternoon and i hope she understands as she sounds she understand about it. I reach her house around 4 which everybody were left the ceremony.
Back to Judin's words. I denied it in front of my love. I told Judin that i was wearing an old jeans which i have to fold up to my knee length as i need to clean the house. Takkan la berair2 kt rumah tu nk biaq seluar meleret2 kot.Paham2 laaa.......i just ignored it and entered our fren's villa. Tijah was inside enjoying her food. As we were talking Judin entered the house and again he mentioned the same thing and i kept denying and mentioned it was a pair of old jeans. Not short. I wonder why he kept saying it....was he trying to humiliate me in front of my future husband n my other frens???????????
There were her siblings and in laws as well as our fren Tijah Manja and her fiance' for just a week ago, Judin Debab. Judin that time was smoking outside the villa. In front of the gate. I greet him so do my Love, besa la...my Love ni berbudi bahasa sket.
Suddenly this Judin loudly said that "Aku nampak hang haritu depan rumah pakai suar pendek"..adussssssss..malunya cek.He was referring to the day they were engaged, 3rd day of Syawal. The day before, my house and the whole area of my kampung affected by flood and the water flows only the day after leaving with dirts and muds. So my brother and i had to clean the house as my mom has to take care of our gandmother. She was admitted the day before as she slipped on the floor and had a heart attack due to the fall.Luckily no fractured or serious injury, only bruises on her hands and she admitted on the next afternoon i.e 3rd day of Syawal.
I told Tijah that i was unable to attend her engagement early due to the chaos in our house. I can only be there late in the afternoon and i hope she understands as she sounds she understand about it. I reach her house around 4 which everybody were left the ceremony.
Back to Judin's words. I denied it in front of my love. I told Judin that i was wearing an old jeans which i have to fold up to my knee length as i need to clean the house. Takkan la berair2 kt rumah tu nk biaq seluar meleret2 kot.Paham2 laaa.......i just ignored it and entered our fren's villa. Tijah was inside enjoying her food. As we were talking Judin entered the house and again he mentioned the same thing and i kept denying and mentioned it was a pair of old jeans. Not short. I wonder why he kept saying it....was he trying to humiliate me in front of my future husband n my other frens???????????
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