Jangan terkejut...it wasn't my Walima...hehehe
Today, Intan Herlina Hj Kamaruddin weds Ahmad Ridzwan in surau Taman Sri Watan, Ampang. Congratulations to both of them.
The food is prepared by the bride's father himself, Hj Kamarauddin, known as PakDidik among us AnakPerlis.
We, AnakPerlis were giving hands to PakDidik and family. Since last nite we were at his house to help for the food preparations. (Besa la...AnakPerlih ni selalu akan tlg bab penyediaan makanan jerk)
The preparation was in Surau Taman Sri Watan and we were there since 8pm. Then we proceed to his house nearby and having Laksa,kopi o,kuih karas,pulut kucai and few Perlis kueh. Sedap wooo....laksa PakDidik...we left around 12.30.
I woke up this morning at 4.15am to go and give my hands to PakDidik on the food preparation.He prefers cooking in the morning so that the foods are frsh from the kitchen.
I arrived around 5am and started helping him fried chickens, cutting veges for Dalca and then the final menu was Daging Dendeng berlado. I managed to learn alot from him today..tak sia2 la mangkit awai pi tlg dia masak...tq PakDidik..
Looking at him reminds me on someone whom i missed alot since past 10 years. He looks like my Abah.....abah....i miss u so much...dh lama x mimpi... :((