Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sama ker?

Just got this from my fren's blog. Setelah sekian lama x tengok blog dia. Baru hr ni nk menyibuk....hehehe.......sama ker muka cek ngn depa2 nih?

Monday, April 28, 2008

Balik Kampung

My balik kampung trip was so tiring since past 2 months. Penat laaaaaa.........sana sini kena pi. balik plak naik bas malam tidoq tak cukup and i need to move here and there as early as 8.00am.....uwaaaaaaaa.......penattttttttttt...........

I arrived saturday morning at 5.30. Take a nap and woke up at 7.00. Sambung tidoq kt bilik bawah plak till my mom wake me up to do house cleaning huhuhu......after zohor we went to get new carpets etc2222 and reached home at 8.00pm.

9.30 my cousin staying next door came and forced me and my Anak(she is her daughter, my second cousin and my brother n i call her Anak ;anak menakan la tuh, 2 years younger than me) to do house cleaning. We ended up lying on hte bed and mattress (my mom bought a new bedroom set) in the soon to be bride's room, sibuk dok cari uban. Kuikuikuikui.......kena bisin la...kul 11 both of us turun n tidoqqqqqq.....

I woke up at 7.00 to do my laundry. 7.30 lari pi Kangaq sat to withdraw some cash n get nasik kandaq for breakfast as we are going to Siam at 9.00 am. Depa kalut nak pi shopping plakkkkkk......org len nak menikah org len yg kalut. Hikhikhikhik..........

We arrived at the border at 10.00am.Punya la ramai menesia. As 4 of us using border pass and i am the only person bring International Passport, i need to bring my own passport for the Thai Immigration to verify (chop pasepot la). Kat border Mesia depa scan ja pasepot cek tuh...cepat dan pantas. Before that, i need to fill in a form (ala2 temporary visa la, with 1 month validity., means i can enter up to Bangkok. Pakai border pass limited sampai Haadyai ja kalo x silap). Unfortunately, the maknya siam did this for me and i need to pay her seringgit.....apo laaaaaa......pi chop kat imigresen pun kena bayaq singgit gak. Truk btoi depa ni...men duit jaaaa......

My mom, my kak sepupu and my anak bz shopping for themselves. (Konon nk beli brg kawin...brg kawin 30 menet ja, hat tak kawin smpi 3 jam). As usual, aku la maknusia paling untung. I will be the banker among them as normally i bring alot of cash but i buy nothing. Hehehehe.......nak beli cemana baju2 sumer boleh masuk kepala jerk....tang lain tak celuih...kasut pun sama....blh masuk ibu jari jerk....hehehehe........

It was so hot in pekan Padang and we left around 1pm. Tu pun sebab mak gua ada mesorat pukoi 2.30. Kalo dak mau sampai petang depa nih...

Reach home around 2 and wait for my mom to get ready to send her for meeting. Then i drove to Kuala Perlis to buy laksa kola...sedap weyyyyyy.......actually my encik tunang is coming after asar, that's y i go and buy the laksa. Penat beb nak masak. 2 hari non stop berjalan.

He left my house around 7.00pm and by that time my aunt,my cousins,anak cousins were there at home. Reyoh rendah la sebab si kenit anak my cousin kena kaco ngn mak long yg kejam nih. Sampai teryak2. Kuikuikui.......actually ramai yg tak suka kt Mak Long (my mom's side call me this), Kakak /Mak Chaq (my father's side call me) as i love to gomol these little kids sampai depa keryau. Kuikuikuikui.........padan mukaaaaaa......kepuasan yg tak terhingga tuh bila budak2 tuh keryau. Hehehehe.........

I left Kangar Bus Station at 10.00 pm and reach KL at 5.00. Balik rumah truih tidoq sampai pukoi 7.45. Ngantuk banget. I have another story upon on board the bus last nite. Later la i tell...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Agreement Sebelum Kawin

Wikipedia stated that PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT or PREMARITAL AGREEMENT is a contract entered into by two people prior to marriage or civil union. The content of a prenuptial agreement can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for the division of property should the couple divorce and any rights to spousal support during or after the dissolution of marriage.

Many countries, including Canada (Quebec), France, Italy, and Germany, have matrimonial regimes, in addition to, or some cases, in lieu of prenups. In these countries, a couple elects to own property under a separate or shared property, either by meeting with a notary or by signing the agreement in front of the public officer that marries them. Some countries have signed on to the Hague Convention on Marital Regimes. These act much like prenups by allowing the parties to own property either separately or jointly.

The United Kingdom as of 2007 does not enforce prenuptial agreements (although there have been some notable exceptions). They also do not have a provision for marital regimes.

My uncle has advised me to have this prenuptial agreement with my Encik Tunang before our big day to ensure that nothing happened between us after marriage. I don't feel this so called agreement is important as Taklik Nikah defines everything about our marriage. Hukum Allah itu adil. Tak perlu ada this kind of agreement. Even my late Abah n my mom never had this kind of agreement. Bahagia jugak sampai mati eventhough she has to sacrifice alot when we were young as my Abah did his full time study.

Makin maju maknusia ni makin banyak plak benda2 yang entah apa2. Buat apa la nak ikut omputih tuh...depa punya law tak reliable compared to our Islamic Law.

I'm very reluctant to do this but to jaga hati my Wali i may have to do this. If u r in my shoes what would you do?????

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Secretaries Week

On April of every year, all secretaries celebrated secretaries week. According to Wikipedia,

"Administrative Professionals Day formerly known as Secretary's Day is an unofficial secular holiday observed on the Wednesday of the last full week of April (i.e. April 26, 2006; April 25, 2007; April 23, 2008), to recognize the work of secretaries, administrative assistants, receptionists, and other administrative support professionals.

National Secretaries Week was created in 1952 through the work of Harry F. Klemfuss of Young & Rubicam, in conjunction with the National Secretaries Association, now known as the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). His goal was to encourage more people to consider careers in the secretarial/administrative support field. Using his skill and experience in public relations, Klemfuss promoted the values and importance of the job of administrative assistants. In doing so, he also created the holiday in recognition of the importance of administrative assistants.

The official period of appreciation/celebration was first proclaimed by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer as "National Secretaries Week," which was held June 1-7 in 1952, with Wednesday, June 4, 1952 designated National Secretaries Day. The first Secretaries' Day was held in that year by the National Secretaries Association (now the IAAP), with the support of an association of corporate groups.

In 1955, the observance date of National Secretaries Week was moved to the last full week of April. The name was changed to Professional Secretaries Week in 1981, and became Administrative Professionals Week in 2000 to encompass the expanding responsibilities and wide-ranging job titles of administrative support staff.

Over the years, Administrative Professionals Week has become one of the largest workplace observances. The event is celebrated worldwide, bringing together millions of people for community events, social gatherings, and individual corporate activities recognizing support staff with gifts of appreciation. In the United States, the day is often celebrated by giving one's assistant such gifts as flowers, candy, trinkets, lunch at a restaurant, or time off.

The International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP), the sole official sponsor of Administrative Professionals Week and Administrative Professionals Day, suggests that employers show their support for the holiday, and their staff, by providing training opportunities for their administrative staff, whether through continuing education, self-study materials, or seminars. The IAAP also recognizes the efforts of those who serve in human resources, professional and personal development staff, and those who serve in positions related to the daily grind of paperwork.

Administrative Professionals Day is a registered trademark with registration number 2,475,334 (serial number 75/898930). The registrant is the International Association of Administrative Professionals."

Being an Accounting Graduate, i started my career in an accounts department with all debit and credit entries, journals, audit n tax schedule and the list goes. When first joined this conglomerate, i was in one of the subsidiaries doing Motor Accounts. Then i joined this Department which they locate me in Capital Management and IR team which i need to assist 2 bosses, means being a secretary to both of them. Alamak...seksiteri plak..i never came accross with this job before but after 3 years i found this very interesting. Whomever want to meet my boss must get my permission first. If i say kenot means kenot la....no compromise...hehehehe..jahatnyer akuuuuuu......

The best things during festives seasons. Raya,Christmas,CNY mesti dapat apa2 punya. If my boss get it, they will give to me as well. For CNY, mostly hampers and oranges. For Christmas normally i will get chocolates and last time UBS sent Choc cake from Equatorial to me. For last raya i got dates from Deutsche and few other things from Banks and research houses.

This year's Secretaries Week i received a baskets full of Crabtree & Evelyn toiletteries set from CIMB Bank and today got a small box of Ferero Rocher and a stalk of Rose. Bestnyerrrrrr.........mcm2 brg dpt. Kembang idung cek....hehehe.......will share the choc tomm nite with my encik tunang when we r balik kampung.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The weak weekend

My weekend begin with doing a week laundry. Have to wake up early as Che Yah is always fussy when comes to the laundry. 1st, all whites goes in, 2nd lite colors, 3rd dark colors. Then the softener with the same things done during the washing n the sidai. Last, i did the undies n the tudungs. Adessssss.........while waiting for the laundry, i did the sewing (Che Yah did the sewing??????? ngaaaaaaa.........). Ya lorrr.....i sew the beads for my selendang which i'll be using it for nikah.

12.30 my encik tunang came to fetch me to Jln Ampang. My baju kawin dah siap alter (di tangan yer...bukan di badan...hehehe) . He dropped me later to PWTC then he drove to Subang at his brother's place. Maka cek terpaksa balik rumah naik lrt la. I was there not more than 20 minutes as Julie was not at her shop (i wanted to do facial there). Drop by at the mall n get some pretzel n trus balik. Reach home around 2.30 and continue my beading works. Pastu pengsan sat....around 5 my encik tunang called and he will come and fetch me to send him home as i may need to fetch my mom later. Mak aku nih bz sungguh...sampai tak ketahwan timing.....

We had a meeting with Persatuan Perlis KL. Depa nih punya la poyo....maklum la tgk kami ni muda2 belia. Skali crita bab program, bab IT teruih sengap. Amik hang...the 2 hours meeting end with makan free and we shoot to Ampang Plaza for taranum (karok laaaa....hehehe) Reach home after 2.00am (gilo apo anak dara nih...hikhikhikhik)

Sunday afternoon drove to Gombak and fetch encik tunang before amik mak in Jalan Conlay (pi dok tengok pesta kraftangan plakkkkk.......) Pastu pi midvalley (mujoq la encik tunang ikut. Tak dak la nk kena eskot sampai 1 MV tuh, kalo dak mau lembik lutut...hehehe......)

My mom went back the following morning. Penat betoi laaaaaaaaa............but the best thing was she is so impressed of my sewing. Actually this is the first time i did the sewing. Selalunya jait kaki seluaq pun huloq kat mak.Ngengengenge.........truih my mom said "lepas ni zip seluaq laki pandai la kot no jait seniri...." hhahahahahaaaaa..........

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


My wedding will be held less than 50 days and there were lot n lots of questions asked by few concerned peoples.

"Kad awat tak siap lagi?"

"Kad buat di mana?"

"Hantaran dah beli ke blom?"

"Baju dah siap ka dak lagi"

"Orang patut sebulan ni dah relek"

And the lists goes..........

Adoiiiiiii........penat nak menjawab. With my current financial situations make me sick of those questions. Sabaq..when the time comes, everything will be ready. Rimas la org dok tanya banyak2 kali benda yang sama ni. Luckily my mom doesn't forced me with such questions. She only asked about the card but only this week. I understand her situation as being alone, she has to send for invite on her own. We need to send to arwah abah's side as well. So it may takes alot of time to send those wedding cards here and there.

I am glad that everybody concerned about me but sometimes i feel uncomfortable when such questions were repeated again n again. Peoples might not understand and may not know my problem and i don't bother to tell them as this won't changed anything.

I wish i could goyang kaki and wait for the big day to comes but i can't afford to do that. I've been doing everything alone without assistance from anybody nor from my mom.

Pening memikirkan the best answers that suit the questions. Satgi tak jawab org kata sombong plak.......adesssssss........peninnnnnnnnnn...........