Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Swing vs Bouncer
One day, Aunty Seri adviced mama to put Humaira Safiyyah in swing like kakak Sarah. Mama n papa refused to do that as it will be so much trouble if we travel. Kalo balik kampung takpa la aunty...kalo nak pi coti2 mesia ka internasional ka xkan la mama nak angkut ndoi @ buai @ swing kottt.......hehehehe...... instead of swing, Aunty Seri advised mama to get a bouncer as an alternate to swing. Haaaa....yg ni blh dipertimbangkan dengan penimbang kat market tuh...hehehe....
Last saturday, Aunty Tinie n Uncle Zul visited us (depa nk tgk Humaira Safiyyah ja.....bkn nk tgk mama ngn papa sebenaqnya). They bought her a bouncer, orange color. We quickly use it and tried to put her in. Mula2 takmo la...meragam la jugak. After maghrib when we put her again in there and later she sleeps more than 3 hours. Lena betoi. Mama quickly sms Aunty Seri to inform and told her that she is right about the bouncer. 100 markah utk Aunty Seri. Hehehehe......
As the thing is already assembled when Aunty n Uncle bought it, we just simply put her in without checking on anything, assuming that the bouncer is fit enough for usage. After 2 days, using it, i found out that one of the metal stand was wrongly assembled. It was upside down. This was discovered by my brother who arrived on Monday morning. Aparaaaa...........mama, papa,uncle n aunty sorg pun tak pasan menda tuh terbalik.....padan la len macam ja....huhuhuuhuh.......truk betoiiiiiiii........
From last saturday until now i keep using it as she will sleep for at least 2 hours before wake up for feeding.
Thank you Aunty n Uncle for buying the bouncer for Humaira Safiyyah.Mama n Papa really appreciate that.
Here's some pic of her in bouncer.....The teddy ornaments Papa sudah amik boh dalam keta.....sori no Aunty
100 Days
The blood vessels in her eyes reach zone 3 which is really a good sign. She is almost fully recovered. Means no weekly check up in the hospital and she will be able to see like normal babies. I think she will be able to have a clear vision as she will smile back at me if i tease or talk to her.
Last thursday her weight is 3.65kg. which is 2.59kg heavier than the first day she was born.
She loves to be cuddled before sleep. She waits until mama cuddle her before she close her eyes and sleep. Mama? macam nak tercabut paha dan lengan menimang dan memeluk tuan puteri kembang setaman nih. At nite, she wants papa to cuddle her before she goes to sleep. Kalo tak sanggup tak lena tuh. Tahan mata.
As she grows up, there's a lot of things we discover about her. She loves to make some horse like sound everytime she wants our attention. She can't wait more than 2 minutes if she hungry. As time passes by, she hates medication. She will spit out slowly the medication in her mouth. Mama pun apa lagi...pot pet pot pet usual....anak mama buat muka inesen jerk ala2 tak bersalah. Since few days ago when i said "kita makan ubat na...." dan2 mata pejam, mulut tutup rapat. When i said "mama tau saja ja buat2 tidoq takmo mkn ubat kan?" She will give her sweet smile to me. Aduhai anak......pandai betoi nak amik ati mama yg nak berleteaq nih....huhuhuhu....
Here's some pic of her on her 100th days of life

Friday, December 19, 2008
Baby Sling
Therefore, i decided to buy baby sling after few conversation with my dentist friend, Dr Cindy. I bought the item online which cost me more than the carrier i bought.
Yesterday, i use the sling to the hospital. Very convenient as she has a sound sleep inside the sling and i did not suffer back pain after a long time holding her. We were there from 8.30 to 3.00pm. Unfortunately, upon arrival at the hospital, everybody were staring at me and my little princess. Macam nampak alien...adoiyaiiiiiii.......depa ingat aku ni indon kot...helloooooooo..............even mat salleh carry their babies in sling tau.....again the person sitting next to me, in front of me and behind me looking at me again when i talked to my baby using bahasa perlis n english (i taught her bilanguange) agaknya nak mengkomferm aku ni bkn indon kot.
Pelik aku la org2 mesia nih...takleh tgk benda lain skit dr yg lain pakat kalut nak tengok. So, me dengan berlagaknya buat muka ala2 kembang semangkuk nak menunjukkan baby sling aku yang baru dan canggih nih.....
Even the doctor said that was a smart move to make myself and baby comfortable. Pedulikan apa org nak kata......that's what i thought in the early beginning...janji aku tak sakit badan n anak aku comfortable sudah
So here's the pic me using the sling with my little Humaira Safiyyah
Oral Thrush
Oral thrush is a very common infection in infants that causes irritation in and around the baby's mouth. It occurs when the fungus candida albicans accumulates on the lining of the child's mouth and leads to infection.
Oral thrush causes creamy white lesions, usually on the tongue or inner cheeks. The lesions can be painful and may bleed slightly when you scrape them. Sometimes oral thrush may spread to the roof of mouth, gums, tonsils or the back of throat.
Why Do Babies Get Oral Thrush?
Most infants naturally have the yeast candida albican in their mouths. Because their immune systems are not yet mature, the amount of yeast in the mouth can overgrow and lead to an infection. (Adults and older kids who have weakened immune systems because of an illness or something like chemotherapy also can get oral thrush.)
Oral thrush usually occurs within the first 6 months of life, and a baby with the infection will develop cracked skin in the corners of the mouth, and whitish or yellowish patches on the lips, tongue, or inside the cheeks.
Preventing and Treating Oral Thrush
There's not much that you can do to prevent your infant from getting oral thrush. Most cases go away without medical treatment within a week or two, but your child's doctor may prescribe an antifungal solution for the baby to swallow. And depending on your baby's age, the doctor may also suggest adding yogurt with lactobacilli to your child's diet. The lactobacilli are bacteria that can help eliminate the yeast in your child's mouth.
You can help remedy oral thrush if your child has it. If you are formula-feeding your baby or using a pacifier, it's important to thoroughly clean the nipples and pacifiers in hot water after each use. That way, if there's yeast on the bottle nipple or pacifier, your baby doesn't continue to get reinfected.
If you are breastfeeding and your nipples are red and sore, there's a chance you may have a yeast infection on your nipples, and that you and the baby are passing it back and forth. If so, you may want to talk to the doctor about using an antifungal ointment on your nipples while the baby is being treated with the antifungal solution.
If your child keeps getting oral thrush, or is older than 9 months and is getting oral thrush, talk with your child's doctor because this might be an indication of another health issue.
What i do to prevent this to occur.......
I read in a website saying that i need to clean the nipples and later soak in water added with white vinegar. I soak for 30 minutes and later wash again with the bottles and nipples liquid soap. Then i sterilise it using Avennt Striliser together with the bottles.
So mothers, do not take for granted on your baby's oral condition. The whitish spots in their mouth are not milk residue, it is fungus and need to be treated quickly
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Panic Attack
Upon arrival, there were 2 medical assistant there and one of them, a kelantan speaking guy attend to us. After explain my little princess' situation, he rang the NICU. Cakap mcm org lalok...ntah hapa2 tah. I asked him to let me talk to the doctor in NICU and later passed back to him. He gave a card and we go in to the emergency department. We were there for one and half hour before we can meet the doctor. He did not check on my baby at all. Just ask few questions and i told him the long list history of my baby and later he ask the nurse to bring us to do chest x-ray and blood test.
After the x-ray, we were placed at the emergency ward. The nurse came in to take some blood sample. She was crying so loud as it was so painful. Can you imagine the small hand being injected with the needle? She cried and a moment later her mama cried with her while hugging and kissing her to calm her down.
After 15 minutes the doctor came in just to tell us to go home and he told us to come again next monday for the appointment with the paeds....sepatah haram tak citer apa ponnnnn.....haparaaaaaaa.........
Today, we went for an eye check up. It took us merely 4 hours to meet the doctor as her retina is not fully dialated. Aduhhhhh............when we finished it's already 1.00pm means lunch time for all doctors and nurses. I went to the pediatric clinic and met Dr Grace while on our way to the clinic. After telling her on my baby's condition, she told me to wait until her staff came in so that she can arrange for us to meet the doctor today.
Around 2.00pm we met Dr Sam Wong. After few questions asked, he did some physical exam on my little princess. then he discovered whitish spots in her mouth. Then he asked me how did i managed the white spots. I told him that i clean it with cotton buds dip in warm water. He told me that it may caused bleeding in her mouth. He told me to stop doing it and prescribed some medication for her. It is a syrup called Tystatin to be taken 4 times a day for a week. After a week she should be fine. The withish spots is called Oral Thrush which is a condition in which the fungus named Candida albicans infected her mouth.
I will write full details of the Oral Thrush in my next entry.
Btw, her eyes are getting better and the vessels are almost fully develop and reach the 3rd zone of her eyes. This is a good sign and she only need to see the doctor 3 weeks a time now.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Quote of the day
Cukur Jambul di Hari Raya
Mula2 memang la dok diam ja....after 30mins mula la kepala ke sana sini with her trademark bunyi cam kuda tuh...hehehehe....
After the bercukur was done, we did belah mulut. Which we give some honey and dates and zamzam for her to taste...besa la...dah anak mama...suka ajer time bg kurma tuh...pandai lak rasa sambil senyum2...
Here's some pic of her during bercukur and belah mulut.