Dah lama tak lihat perkataan ni di mana2 since 2 years back...y? only me knows y and that person of course but i don't think that person came across with my blog anyway....
Since February 9th, i am totally be a different person........tak tentu arah and malas nak blogging and etc22222.......
My life is just me n my baby n truly at this time i really miss my husband. I miss him alot....(sedeyyyyy..........kontrol beb....kontroll....kang ada yg nmpk hang teriak sorg2)
I miss his morning kisses, his evening hugs, our cat fight everyday, our dinner together even as simple as bihun goreng, our solat jemaah n our mengaji time together. I wish he is here with me right now.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Imported Cars, Local Cars n Rear Seat Belt
My late father's 1st car was Mazda. Later he bought a Toyota Corolla KE30 when i was around 3-4 years of age. When i was 12, he bought a Proton Saga Megavalve and still keep the Corolla. When i was 16, my mom bought an Iswara Aeroback for herself (which became my car since Aug 2004). The first car driven by me when i was 17 was the old Toyota. No aircond,no cassette player. Just a normal radio player with only AM frequency. Now, since last year we drive a Chevy.
Me myself prefer a Toyota....an Estima to be specific or a Camry or a Yaris...Vios pun boleh la pa...;P (amboi napsuuuuuu.....hehehe......)...sudehhhhhhh...........merapu plak dah.......
This is the serious one. Since i gave birth to Humaira Safiyyah, i started to be very protective to my baby. We bought a car seat for her so that she will be able to travel safely with us. As we drive a Chevy, we never had any problem fastening rear seat belt to our baby's car seat. Both left or right and even on the front seat (masa 1st time drive bwk si kecik nih aku letak dia kt depan...skali jerk....2nd time n seterusnya truih boh kt blkg).Full stop!!!
Since past few weeks, i reside in my hometown at my mom's house with our little princess...this will be until early May. I rarely go out when staying here....reason....1st duit tarak...2nd takdak mana nak pi pon...Last saturday, my husband came back visiting us. So on sunday we went back to my in laws house in Alor Setar driving my mom's Perodua Kembara DVVT. Unfortunately, we wont be able to fastened the seat belt to the baby's seat, reason.....seat beltnya pendek!!!!!!! adoi laaaaaa......what i did was fastened it across the seat (not around the seat) and sandwich the baby's seat against the front and back seat. Harap2 ok la...pelik betoi aku apadehal jadi lagu tuh.
The government's new ruling on the rear seat belts make me think twice. Memula, memang teman setuju bebenor tentang pemakaian tali pinggang belakang nih. Tapi bila kena macam ni elok la depa setkan bench mark on standard length for rear seat belt tu dulu. Kalo dah tali pinggang pun tak selamat, cemana la nak mewajibkan orang pakai seat belt yang kunun2 untuk keselamatan penumpang tuh. Hmmmmmmm.......pelik betoi..
To local cars manufacturer...PERODUA,PROTON,INOKOM(for Hyundai) tulong la check rear seat belt yang anda pasang pada kereta yg anda jual tuh. Jgn la nk harap ke untung ataupun untuk sekadar hiasan ja sebab ramai org nk guna seat belt tuh utk keselamatan....takkan la kami nak beli keta hangpa pastu nak kena tambah duit tukaq seat belt lain kotttttt...........
To Malaysian government, tulong la buat study betoi2 untuk apa saja ruling yang hangpa nak buat...jgn jd follower ja...org len buat, hangpa pun nak buat!!!!!!!.........LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI
Me myself prefer a Toyota....an Estima to be specific or a Camry or a Yaris...Vios pun boleh la pa...;P (amboi napsuuuuuu.....hehehe......)...sudehhhhhhh...........merapu plak dah.......
This is the serious one. Since i gave birth to Humaira Safiyyah, i started to be very protective to my baby. We bought a car seat for her so that she will be able to travel safely with us. As we drive a Chevy, we never had any problem fastening rear seat belt to our baby's car seat. Both left or right and even on the front seat (masa 1st time drive bwk si kecik nih aku letak dia kt depan...skali jerk....2nd time n seterusnya truih boh kt blkg).Full stop!!!
Since past few weeks, i reside in my hometown at my mom's house with our little princess...this will be until early May. I rarely go out when staying here....reason....1st duit tarak...2nd takdak mana nak pi pon...Last saturday, my husband came back visiting us. So on sunday we went back to my in laws house in Alor Setar driving my mom's Perodua Kembara DVVT. Unfortunately, we wont be able to fastened the seat belt to the baby's seat, reason.....seat beltnya pendek!!!!!!! adoi laaaaaa......what i did was fastened it across the seat (not around the seat) and sandwich the baby's seat against the front and back seat. Harap2 ok la...pelik betoi aku apadehal jadi lagu tuh.
The government's new ruling on the rear seat belts make me think twice. Memula, memang teman setuju bebenor tentang pemakaian tali pinggang belakang nih. Tapi bila kena macam ni elok la depa setkan bench mark on standard length for rear seat belt tu dulu. Kalo dah tali pinggang pun tak selamat, cemana la nak mewajibkan orang pakai seat belt yang kunun2 untuk keselamatan penumpang tuh. Hmmmmmmm.......pelik betoi..
To local cars manufacturer...PERODUA,PROTON,INOKOM(for Hyundai) tulong la check rear seat belt yang anda pasang pada kereta yg anda jual tuh. Jgn la nk harap ke untung ataupun untuk sekadar hiasan ja sebab ramai org nk guna seat belt tuh utk keselamatan....takkan la kami nak beli keta hangpa pastu nak kena tambah duit tukaq seat belt lain kotttttt...........
To Malaysian government, tulong la buat study betoi2 untuk apa saja ruling yang hangpa nak buat...jgn jd follower ja...org len buat, hangpa pun nak buat!!!!!!!.........LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Last month i was tagged by Kak Umi aka emaknya si chumie n qayyim. Due to internet connection yg ala2 macam bas PPMP (Pelan-pelan Mampuih Pi) kat perlih dulu nun terpaksa la dilupakan dulu. So now dh ada masa, blh ler teman menjawab tagging kak umi nih...
1. Copy Badge untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
The badge..

2. Link atau ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kepada anda.
Awarded by Kak Umi @ Tokyo. How did i know her? via AnakPerlis.Com...dia ni kawan sekampung la kiranya. At the moment being my kawan bergosip kisah2 panas seluruh dunia and kawan rujukan dan tempat meluahkan rasa. Tima kasih la kak umi....
3.Setiap blogger hendaklah menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih pemenang seterusnya.
10 Fakta adalah seperti berikut....(chewahhhh...ala2 jawab soklan SPM plak)
1. Penah sampai ke Nihon masa umoq 16....student exchange. Tapi umoq 26 baru jejak kaki ke Johor...itu pun sampai Segamat jerk
2. Baru pandai masak gulai/kari daging sebulan yang lalu...selama ni cek tatau masak gulai daging....maluuuuu.....
3. Koleksi handbag lebih daripada kasut. Tak kisah la mahal ker murah janji menarik pada pandangan mata, cek sapu ajer...
4. My husband is not my 1st love, but he is my true love. (Ala2 ramai boyfren la masa dolu2 nih)
5. Penah buat slimming treatment few years back tapi tak kuruih pun....terbang duit cek beribu riban
6. Pas lesen kelas D (kereta) masa umoq 17....only managed to drive after SPM exam....1st car i drove was Toyota corolla KE30...plet no KM7310...mana la keta tu la nih....
7. Malas betoi nak lipat baju....selalu baju tu dok dalam bakul berhari2
8. Manja la tersangat...mengada2 pun ada gak kot....pantang kena marah ngn laki skit, mula la nak teriak....apadaaa........sensitipppp......
9. Masih berusaha untuk turunkan berat badan.....adesssss......bila la nk kuruih nihhh???
10. I was born Disabled. Tumit kiri tak boleh cecah lantai...ala2 rengkat skit.....recovered when i was 2...this was done traditionally tru massage. Arwah dah tukang urut tuh
Okkeh.........siappppp...........now nak 'mengetagged' lagi 10 maknusia
1. Tini da SPLITS (sori la cik tip...aku masih suka guna perkataan SPLITS tuh)
2. Ina
3. Mommy Sarah
4. Cik Mai
5. Kak Azie
6. Sharipah Leo
7. Hj Addie @ Brunei
8. Tursina
9. Anne tokey tepawer
1. Copy Badge untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
The badge..

2. Link atau ceritakan kembali siapa yg memberikan award ini kepada anda.
Awarded by Kak Umi @ Tokyo. How did i know her? via AnakPerlis.Com...dia ni kawan sekampung la kiranya. At the moment being my kawan bergosip kisah2 panas seluruh dunia and kawan rujukan dan tempat meluahkan rasa. Tima kasih la kak umi....
3.Setiap blogger hendaklah menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih pemenang seterusnya.
10 Fakta adalah seperti berikut....(chewahhhh...ala2 jawab soklan SPM plak)
1. Penah sampai ke Nihon masa umoq 16....student exchange. Tapi umoq 26 baru jejak kaki ke Johor...itu pun sampai Segamat jerk
2. Baru pandai masak gulai/kari daging sebulan yang lalu...selama ni cek tatau masak gulai daging....maluuuuu.....
3. Koleksi handbag lebih daripada kasut. Tak kisah la mahal ker murah janji menarik pada pandangan mata, cek sapu ajer...
4. My husband is not my 1st love, but he is my true love. (Ala2 ramai boyfren la masa dolu2 nih)
5. Penah buat slimming treatment few years back tapi tak kuruih pun....terbang duit cek beribu riban
6. Pas lesen kelas D (kereta) masa umoq 17....only managed to drive after SPM exam....1st car i drove was Toyota corolla KE30...plet no KM7310...mana la keta tu la nih....
7. Malas betoi nak lipat baju....selalu baju tu dok dalam bakul berhari2
8. Manja la tersangat...mengada2 pun ada gak kot....pantang kena marah ngn laki skit, mula la nak teriak....apadaaa........sensitipppp......
9. Masih berusaha untuk turunkan berat badan.....adesssss......bila la nk kuruih nihhh???
10. I was born Disabled. Tumit kiri tak boleh cecah lantai...ala2 rengkat skit.....recovered when i was 2...this was done traditionally tru massage. Arwah dah tukang urut tuh
Okkeh.........siappppp...........now nak 'mengetagged' lagi 10 maknusia
1. Tini da SPLITS (sori la cik tip...aku masih suka guna perkataan SPLITS tuh)
2. Ina
3. Mommy Sarah
4. Cik Mai
5. Kak Azie
6. Sharipah Leo
7. Hj Addie @ Brunei
8. Tursina
9. Anne tokey tepawer
Friday, February 6, 2009
I turned 30 on February 1st. How time flies. Rasa macam dah tua pun ada jugak but still perangai cam bebudak walaupun dh jd mak budak. Hehehehe......This year i celebrated my 30th birthday in my hometown with my little princess and other family members without presence of my husband. huhuhuhu....sedihh.....we had a simple makan2 with a birthday cake of course eventhough not as good as my fav Secret Recipe's tiramisu or Equatorial choc cake.
Being 30, i have a long list of things to do as well as responsibilities as a wife and a mother. I hope our dream and wishes come true.
Here's some pic during makan2...

Being 30, i have a long list of things to do as well as responsibilities as a wife and a mother. I hope our dream and wishes come true.
Here's some pic during makan2...
Naughty smile from my 'hidung penyet'...tgh mood baik nih
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Humaira Safiyyah Balik Kampung
We were advised by the paeds not to travel due to our little princess' condition until she reaches 12 months of age. However, her mad papa suddenly decided for a balik kampung trip on Christmas eve, in December last year. (Due to maxis broadband yg kokak, i only manage to post all entries since end of last yr today...ala2 citer basi la nih)
He arrived from work almost 7.00pm that day and suddenly asked me to pack our things for the trip. I thought that he was joking at the beginning. I continued doing my laundry and other stuffs while listening to his 'joke'
After half an hour i realised that he mean it and i started to pack. Everything ready an hour later and we begin our journey after Isya' prayer. First we went to Alpha Angle to get a car seat for our princess. Takkan la nak pegang sepjg jln kot kan....n the other thing is for her safety. We wouldn't know wht will happen.
We left Klang Valley almost 11.00pm after berhempas pulas memasang car seat tuh dalam gelap. hehehehe......at first she refused to sit in that seat. After few attemp, i managed to put her in and make her sleep. Stopped at Tapah RnR for supper and changed her nappy and later we continue our journey.
We arrived around 4.00am at my in laws place and stayed there for 3 days. We went back to my hometown in Arau on saturday evening and returned to KL on monday afternoon. Here's some pic of her enjoying her 1st long journey trip for balik kampung

He arrived from work almost 7.00pm that day and suddenly asked me to pack our things for the trip. I thought that he was joking at the beginning. I continued doing my laundry and other stuffs while listening to his 'joke'
After half an hour i realised that he mean it and i started to pack. Everything ready an hour later and we begin our journey after Isya' prayer. First we went to Alpha Angle to get a car seat for our princess. Takkan la nak pegang sepjg jln kot kan....n the other thing is for her safety. We wouldn't know wht will happen.
We left Klang Valley almost 11.00pm after berhempas pulas memasang car seat tuh dalam gelap. hehehehe......at first she refused to sit in that seat. After few attemp, i managed to put her in and make her sleep. Stopped at Tapah RnR for supper and changed her nappy and later we continue our journey.
We arrived around 4.00am at my in laws place and stayed there for 3 days. We went back to my hometown in Arau on saturday evening and returned to KL on monday afternoon. Here's some pic of her enjoying her 1st long journey trip for balik kampung

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