They were keep emailing each other for 2 weeks and talking about this trip almost everyday. They were so excited compared to the kids (we just follow, anyway :D)
On the day, Mama cooked sambal tumis udang and bought Choc Walnut cake for Aunty Seri's birthday. Aunty Ina brought drinks and 'kudap-kudapan', Aunty Tini cooked nasik lemak, Aunty Seri bring dessert and Aunty Edda with her fried chicken.
Everybody had brunch at one of the air-conditioned 'tent'. Unfortunately, Mama forgot her plates and Aunty Ina had left the cups at home. Aiyyyaaaaaaaaa.............everybody need to eat using the 'tudung tepawer' and few other food containers and drink using feeding bottles cup. Adessssss...........lawak betoi laaaaaaa...........planning skit punya baguih tapi lupo plak nak bwk menda plg penting dlm dunia.
Here's some pics taken from Aunty Tini's n Uncle Zul's camera and they are doing photography services if u want affordable photographer with good pics.....hurry n grab them :))
So Aunties...........where's next? ;))