Sunday, January 13, 2008

Engaged....i am engaged!

After few broke up episodes in my life,finally, i am engaged to Mohammad Husni Abdullah on December 21, 2007 (11 Zulhijjah 1428). The rombongan from Alor Star, Kedah arrived around 4.00 pm. After an hour of the meminang process, i am now a step towards marriage.

The ceremony were attended by 1/3 of my very big family (my mom has 6 siblings and more than a dozen of nieces n nephews and more than 2 football teams of grand nieces and grand nephews. my late father had 11 siblings but only 4 were there. My Pak Ngah,Chu,Pak Ndak wasn't there. My Pak Tam arrived after maghrib)

None of my frens were there except Tini. Others were not be able to attend my engagement. Both my bestfrens Nur n Arni were not there as both of their husbands working on that day.

Punya la nerbes tak ingat time tu
h. nerbes sejuk kaki tangan, aku plak nerbes berpeluh...cayaq habih mekap kt muka. His mom did the sarung cincin ceremony. Ketaq woooiiii........hahahaha. Insyaallah the wedding will be in May. So sapa2 yg dpt kad tp x mai tu blh la pos hadiah besaq skit...hehehe...

I was so sad as my late father wasn't around to accept the meminang for me. Sedihnya....mula2 tu ok lg..but after i looked at my mak teh, i started to cry...I wish he could be there during tht apakan daya kuasa Allah melebihi segala2nya...i was so fortunate as at least my uncle represent the family and he has this chance for the first and last i think as he doesn't has own kids.

The mekap doing....x lawa pon..aku mekap lg lawa...huhuhuh

Tadaaaaaaaaa..............siap dahh.....ready to go home...

Sarung cincin done by my soon to be mother in law

Posing session...with my mak n adik

Bakal mak mentuaku n tok mentuaku...mudanya tok...nk kena menuntut ilmu nih...hehehe...

The happiest person of the tok...she even cry in front of besa la....sedey wooo.....

1 Readers' Says:

anne rafei said...

hehehe.. sikit jantan muka hang. hehehehe.. anyway, look forward for your big day :D

tolong kasik ajar camne nak ikat tudung lagu tu.. santekkk