Kadang-kala ketika saya amat sibuk dan memerlukan masa untuk bersendirian, saya amat tidak bersedia untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesiapa jua walau dengan apa cara sekalipun. Akan tetapi, saya merasakan bahawa ada sesetengah pihak yang terlalu banyak masa memikirkan kenapa saya begitu dan kenapa saya begini yang akhirnya membuatkan pihak-pihak tersebut terus-terusan menyalahfahami diri saya yang mengakibatkan pihak-pihak itu mengeluarkan kata-kata kesat secara langsung atau tidak langsung.
Saya berasa amat hairan kerana orang yang sesederhana saya amat tidak difahami oleh pihak-pihak lain. Komitmen kerja dan tanggungjawab saya membuatkan saya terpaksa menidakkan atau mendiamkan diri daripada menerima apa jua bentuk komunikasi. Bukan saya sengaja untuk tidak berkomunikasi. Kadangkala komitmen tugas menyebabkan saya terpaksa meninggalkan meja kerja dan terus memutuskan komunikasi secepat dan sepantas mungkin.
Saya amat menghormati kawan dan lawan, akan tetapi rasa hormat saya akan hilang seandainya tuduhan melulu dilemparkan kepada saya. Saya mengakui yang saya bukanlah seorang manusia yang sempurna, tapi saya mengharapkan agar diri saya difahami. Berikan saya ruang untuk bersendiri dan menyelesaikan masalah dan tanggungjawab saya sendirian kerana semenjak kecil saya dibesarkan untuk melakukan segalanya sendiri(saya tinggal berjauhan dengan arwah bapa semenjak umur 4 tahun dan 14 tahun kemudian saya ditinggalkan terus sendirian bersama ibu dan adik). Keterbiasaan ini membuatkan saya amat berdikari tanpa memerlukan apa jua bentuk bantuan termasuklah menjadi pendengar setia. Saya amat menjaga rahsia peribadi saya kerana pada saya, tidak semua hal peribadi saya boleh dikongsi dengan sesiapa sahaja.
Didikan ibu yang tidak menginginkan saya menyibuk dan mengganggu urusan orang lain membuatkan saya selesa hidup sendiri tanpa gangguan. Relakan saya begini kerana saya amat-amat menghargai kefahaman pihak-pihak ini.
Syukurlah saya mempunyai bakal teman hidup yang memahami. Itu yang lebih penting untuk diri saya sekarang ini.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I miss my boss
No! no! Don't get me wrong...it is not what u're thinking. My former boss of Investor Relations left for motor division and became second man there after the EVP. Bestnyaaa....dh naik pangkat, ofis pun dekat rumah and balik pun awal...tak mcm kt sini...tgh2 mlm buta pun tercongok kt ofis ni....n the best thing is he can play golf after work...seronoknya...hope u enjoy it, boss.......hehehe......
After he left, the other person took over. I thought that there will be a new person joining in but unfortunately the other guy in the same department. The first time my boss told me in January, i'm about to burst into tears tapi menten beb..kontrol cun....
When this so called new boss handling IR, he always complaining of many meeting that he needs to attend. Dalam hati.....memang la mangkuk....dah nama pun IR..u'll definately meet Analysts,Fund Managers, Institutional Investors......adoiiiiiii.....tulonggggg......tulongggg...........i was about to giving up when i met my former boss last month. I told him that this new boss refused to accept my opinion as maybe he may think i am nobody in this office (fyi, i have almost 3 years experience by now handling this IR job especially coordinate meetings, briefings, and even IR roadshows for the company and everything were perfect).
Untill now i am still thinking what makes him and the other person looked down on me. Is it because i am not a CFA like them? but i am capable enough in my capacity and i know almost every single research houses in the country.Depa pun tak tau. Please laaaaaaaaa............ujung thn ni aku pi study baru hangpa tau langit tinggi ke rendah. Buat la semua sendiri.
I wonder why he must refer to the big boss everytime as my former boss will decide straight away of any desicion pertaining to any conferences, seminars, visits. We should advise the big boss and not ask the big boss to advise us. Hampes betoi laaaaa...........
I am really sick of this and made me refused to work with the team. And the only way to escape is to further my study full time. Apa nak jadi pun jadi laaaaaa.........i have to do this and i want to do this. Pasni i'll take over the IR........haaaaa..........amik!!!!!!!!!
After he left, the other person took over. I thought that there will be a new person joining in but unfortunately the other guy in the same department. The first time my boss told me in January, i'm about to burst into tears tapi menten beb..kontrol cun....
When this so called new boss handling IR, he always complaining of many meeting that he needs to attend. Dalam hati.....memang la mangkuk....dah nama pun IR..u'll definately meet Analysts,Fund Managers, Institutional Investors......adoiiiiiii.....tulonggggg......tulongggg...........i was about to giving up when i met my former boss last month. I told him that this new boss refused to accept my opinion as maybe he may think i am nobody in this office (fyi, i have almost 3 years experience by now handling this IR job especially coordinate meetings, briefings, and even IR roadshows for the company and everything were perfect).
Untill now i am still thinking what makes him and the other person looked down on me. Is it because i am not a CFA like them? but i am capable enough in my capacity and i know almost every single research houses in the country.Depa pun tak tau. Please laaaaaaaaa............ujung thn ni aku pi study baru hangpa tau langit tinggi ke rendah. Buat la semua sendiri.
I wonder why he must refer to the big boss everytime as my former boss will decide straight away of any desicion pertaining to any conferences, seminars, visits. We should advise the big boss and not ask the big boss to advise us. Hampes betoi laaaaa...........
I am really sick of this and made me refused to work with the team. And the only way to escape is to further my study full time. Apa nak jadi pun jadi laaaaaa.........i have to do this and i want to do this. Pasni i'll take over the IR........haaaaa..........amik!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
From Wikipedia.........
A sari or saree or shari is the traditional female garment in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.[1] A sari is a strip of unstitched cloth, ranging from four to nine metres in length that is draped over the body in various styles. The most common style is for the sari to be wrapped around the waist, with one end then draped over the shoulder baring the midriff.[1] The sari is usually worn over a petticoat (pavada/pavadai in the south, and shaya in eastern India), with a blouse known as a choli or ravika forming the upper garment. The choli has short sleeves and a low neck and is usually cropped, and as such is particularly well-suited for wear in the sultry South Asian summers. Cholis may be "backless" or of a halter neck style. These are usually more dressy with a lot of embellishments such as mirrors or embroidery and may be worn on special occasions.Women in the armed forces, when wearing a sari uniform, don a half-sleeve shirt tucked in at the waist.
I sent 2 baju for the reception on my side n my fiance's side to the tailor early last month but yet to buy clothes for my nikah ceremony.
I had a thought to get Songket, Chiffon or Sari for this but haven't decide till last week.
When i told my fiance' he was saying this....."R u sure Sya???? u want to wear sari??????????" .....and i answered this .."Ya la yang...nak buat bj kurung"
He actually thought that i want to wear Sari like this

Adoiiii laaaa..............what a thought....hahahaha...kesian la marka cek....i had to explain what do i want to do with the sari than he understand. Adesss........dia igt aku nak pakai sari lilit2 la tuh....
Last saturday i bought a piece of sari with embroidery which cost me less than RM100....best gilos.....hehehe......i was thinking to sew beads n pearls on the embroidery and sew my own veil....my 1st attempt. Kalo jadi lepas ni blh la buat bisnes.......
Jenuh la nak puluh menajit viel nih....2 bulan jer lagik....go Che Yah!!!!
A sari or saree or shari is the traditional female garment in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.[1] A sari is a strip of unstitched cloth, ranging from four to nine metres in length that is draped over the body in various styles. The most common style is for the sari to be wrapped around the waist, with one end then draped over the shoulder baring the midriff.[1] The sari is usually worn over a petticoat (pavada/pavadai in the south, and shaya in eastern India), with a blouse known as a choli or ravika forming the upper garment. The choli has short sleeves and a low neck and is usually cropped, and as such is particularly well-suited for wear in the sultry South Asian summers. Cholis may be "backless" or of a halter neck style. These are usually more dressy with a lot of embellishments such as mirrors or embroidery and may be worn on special occasions.Women in the armed forces, when wearing a sari uniform, don a half-sleeve shirt tucked in at the waist.
I sent 2 baju for the reception on my side n my fiance's side to the tailor early last month but yet to buy clothes for my nikah ceremony.
I had a thought to get Songket, Chiffon or Sari for this but haven't decide till last week.
When i told my fiance' he was saying this....."R u sure Sya???? u want to wear sari??????????" .....and i answered this .."Ya la yang...nak buat bj kurung"
He actually thought that i want to wear Sari like this
Adoiiii laaaa..............what a thought....hahahaha...kesian la marka cek....i had to explain what do i want to do with the sari than he understand. Adesss........dia igt aku nak pakai sari lilit2 la tuh....
Last saturday i bought a piece of sari with embroidery which cost me less than RM100....best gilos.....hehehe......i was thinking to sew beads n pearls on the embroidery and sew my own veil....my 1st attempt. Kalo jadi lepas ni blh la buat bisnes.......
Jenuh la nak puluh menajit viel nih....2 bulan jer lagik....go Che Yah!!!!
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