Friday, August 29, 2008
Finance Asia - Asia's Best Companies
Wowweeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! at hard work paid.....The big bosses may not recognize this as my achievement, but for myself, i think that this is the best ever achievement i had for the past 4 years with this conglomerate and merely three and a half year doing IR here. I began with zero knowledge of IR and now i am confident that i have all knowledge that i should know about IR. I can managed everything on my own now....from arranging meeting, handling briefings, organizing roadshows etc....i can handle this alone.......
Thanks to my former boss Hazem and Phoebe for guiding me towards my IR career and i hope i'll become the IR person for this conglomerate in 3 years time. Wait for my return and i'll be the spoke person for this company.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
What i did with my increment this month was paying debt to my mom (banyaknya lagi nk kena setel...bestnya ceti plak dia)
Last friday almost 7.00pm i received a phone call from my boss. I was at my in laws' place (my brother in laws' wedding was the day before) to help them clean up the house. Due to that, the phone was off and tak sempat la cek nak jawab call tuh. I wonder why she called me so late. Tapi malas punya pasai, i didn't return her call.
On monday, i resume my work in the office the first thing in the morning my boss called me into her room. I thought that it was nothing as we always gossip to each other. Hehehe....then she handed me that bonus letter saying that the amount of the bonus granted to me blablabla.......
Hatiku berbunga2...hehehe....this is the best bonus and increment i received since i joined this conglomerate. Thank you boss....hehehe
My plan for this very big 5 figures bonus (and large amount of EPF and income tax deduction as well...huhuhuhu.......) will be bayaq hutang, savings (large amount of it) and something for myself..a new handphone maybe....errrmmmmmm........nak chap apa eks? Lemme think of it first....or shall i get a necklace for myself? Yang mana 1 nak pilih nih? But definately bajet for raya increase this year. Bagi mak, mak mentua, pak mentua, adik2 ipaq......adessss.....panjangnyer bajet......once a year pun kan...hopefully i can manage my money well.....simpan siap2 yang nak disimpan...kendian baru spend......
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I wish i could......
I made a move to ask our new IR Head about the invite as some of the analysts need to plan their trip for this briefing (some of them will fly from Jakarta and Singapore). He ask me to help him to send the invite out. I also told him about the complaints and he mentioned that he has some difficulties when she managed the meetings for him.
Hmmmmmm.........i feel like asking him if i could have my IR roles back as i have no problem with any Analysts/HOR/FMs and Research Houses since i've been doing this for the past 3.5 years. Should i or shouln't i?
If i told my husband about this definately i will kena tembak with him as he will say that i am toooooo kind to help peoples. Let them do.....mana bley la dear.....i can't resist when it comes to IR job....i can't stop myself to help.......adoiiiiiiiii............
Should i ask to be transferred back to IR?????
SHOULD IIIIIIIIIII?????????????????????????????
Friday, August 15, 2008
Me Alone....
Yesterday i went for a breastfeeding course organize by our Taska. So i will share some info with all my frends here in my blog.......hope i can finish the long write up today and publish my writing by tommorrow morning
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My pregnancy......the food intake
My first trimester end with full of joy except for my muscle cramps as well as my mengidam mood for sweet things. Since preggy, I love to have chocolates & ice cream (sorry dear, u can’t stop this. It’s our baby….not me….hehehehe)
I will take ice cream and chocolates at least 2-3 times a week. Soooooo…….yummy….i cant stop taking these lovely sweet little things until today. Luckily I don’t take much sugar for my drinks. No sugar, no creamer. Just a plain milo, fruit juices without sugar. I will only take a teaspoon of sugar with my English tea. No salty food as well (lauk saya kureng garam). Since past 2 antenatal check ups my BP and sugar level are at the normal level and it surprised the doctor. Sorry yer doc…igt saya ni chomel x jaga mkn ka? Summer control….gula, garam….
Since I don’t eat a lot, just a normal 3 meals a day i.e breakfast, lunch and dinner I didn’t gained any weight. Still maintain at 82kg till my last check up. I am so happy for it as I hardly maintain my weight since past few years. Baju lama dah boleh pakai….ketat kat perut jer….marvelesssssss………hehehehe……
Peoples advice me to take balance diet with a lot of fruits, vege and dairy products and the list goes. Fruits and vege fine with me. But dairy products alahaiiiii…….i can only tahan with butter and cheese. Cow’s milk? Ayoyoyoyo…….i anak mak ok!!! Minum susu mak only.
I bought this EnfaMama Chocolate Flavoured pregnancy milk which cost me +-RM40 for half kilo of the powdered milk. At first, I mixed it with hot milo and drank it with few slices of wholemeal bread. Minutes after I finished the drink, all went down to drain. Sudah uwek laaa……I cannot tahan with the ‘lembu’ smell…..eeuuuuuu…….cannot go laaaaa………it took me a week to think what should I do with this expensive drink. So sorry dear, feel like wasting
One day, my very super duper brilliant idea came in. I mixed the powder with soy milk, bananas and ice cubes. Blend it using my new Philips food processor, a wedding gift from my frens and wallaaaaa………a healthy ice blended for a mom-to-be to be enjoyed with her baby in her stomach. So yummy so delicious.
Actually, my eating habits changed a lot. No more asam or jeruk for me now. Tak boleh makan la plakkkkk….previously, I can’t stop myself taking those asam,jeruk, mangga muda,cermai,kedondong etc222…..i will definitely have it with garam belacan or even garam itself. Now I can’t take it at all. Rasa 1 macam la plak. I am waiting to have sugarcane in the next few weeks. I got this from my mom actually. She was carrying me while she mengidam for tebu…tebu yer…bukan ayaq tebu. Sedapnyaaaaaaa…….i can’t wait to go back and ask pak mid for some tebu grown at his backyard.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Apa yg saya lihat pagi ini
Seringkali juga apabila melihat 1 keluarga beserta anak/anak2 kecil menaiki motosikal bersama membuatkan saya merungut kerana perkara ini boleh mengundang kecelakaan. Lebih membahayakan andai ada bayi kecil dalam dukungan atau anak yang tertidur di dalam raga motor. Bayangkan apa yang berlaku andainya ada kecemasan di tengah jalan. Aduhaiiiiii........kenapa mempertaruhkan nyawa anak sendiri???
Andainya rungutan didengari mak, she will keep saying this " nak buat macam mana....they can't afford to have a car like us"...jawapan mudah saya.."take a bus or taxi"...susah sikit takpa..jangan menyesal di kemudian hari.
Ada juga bapa2 yang bangang. Kenapa saya berkata bangang???? Kerana ketika memandu, mereka akan memangku anak di ribaan. Andai ada kemalangan atau anda terpaksa menekan brek kecemasan tentunya membuatkan anak terhantuk ke stereng kereta. Malang lagi andai anak anda tercampak keluar. Tolong lahhhh..........nyawa anak anda amat berharga. Seperti biasa, rungutan saya pada suami..."keta ja besaq,mahai...tapi bangang.....nak beli car seat anak pun kedekut".....Saya merayu kepada semua. Korbankanlah sedikit wang anda untuk keselamatan anak, belikan car seat untuk bayi anda. Tak mahal. Ada yang tak sampai seratus ringgit. Beli rim mehei2 ribu riban bulih plak....heran aku menesia nih....
Pagi ini di simpang jalan kawasan tempat tinggal saya berlaku lagi kejadian ini. Sepasang suami isteri sudah siap berpakaian ke pejabat menghantar anak ke rumah pengasuh mungkin, berada di tengah2 jalan untuk melintas ke arah kami. Saya rasakan mereka menyeberang dari simpang bertentangan.Si kakak duduk di tengah2 antara si ibu dan si ayah. Si adik pula terkulai di lengan si ayah di dalam raga motorsikal Bayangkan andainya tiba2 si ayah hilang kawalan, apa yang akan berlaku???? (jalan di sekitar gombak bahaya skit. pemandu loklaq.....). Tak dapat saya bayangkan. Terus ketika itu menjerit kepada suami agar berhati2 kerana mereka berada berhampiran kami....bagi saya, apa salahnya bersusah sedikit. Hantar anak dengan kereta dahulu kemudian berpatah balik tukar motor ke pejabat. Andainya tiada kereta, seeloknya si adik di pangku ibu dan si kakak duduk didepan dalam raga motor. Jangan lah mempertaruhkan nyawa anak yang tidak ternilai itu. Harta kita didunia dan akhirat.
Masih terbayang-bayang kemalangan di sungai petani beberapa bulan lalu. Kecuaian si bapa memandu kereta tanpa memastikan pintu kereta dibahagian tempat duduk belakang di kunci sempurna menyebabkan si anak berusia 18 bulan tercampak keluar. Yang lebih menyedihkan laporan di Buletin Utama menyatakan bahawa kepala anak hampir putus digilis tayar kereta si bapa. Ketika pihak hospital menyerahkan jenazah si anak yang siap dikapankan kepada si bapa kelihatan kepala si anak terkulai. Menitik air mata melihat kejadian itu.
Harapan saya agar tiada lagi kejadian-kejadian yang melibatkan kecuaian ibu bapa berlaku. Pastikan semuanya selamat sebelum anda memulakan perjalanan.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The 'OSCAR' goes toooooo.......
Here are the details of this "AWARD" awarded to me....(apa punya ayat daaa...aunty cheyah ooiiiiiii.....)
Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere.
Here are the rules to follow:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
So,I forward this award to :
1. Tini
2. Ina
3. Tursina
4. Leo
5. Kak Anne
6. Addie
7. Kak Azie
Tak tau nak pilih
Here's some info of those hospitals in my consideration list.
1. Damai Service Hospital
2. Hospital Tawakal
3. Ampang Puteri Specialist
or Shall i choose Hospital Selayang?
Tulunnnnnn.........tulunnnnnn.......what say u?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Okaasan....Otanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu
Being a 56 years of age, she is still active in her political works after retirement (mak saya sangat lah busy bermesorat di sana sini) ended up i said she'll be the MP in the next elections. Hahahaha.......sori la mak....saja jer joke!!! At least she won't feel bored as both of us (me n my adik) are not around.
Back to her birthday last friday. It was too late to send her something on that day. So i decided to place an order for a chocolate cake from Kak Nina (she baked cakes for my engagement and wedding). The cake was sent of Sunday afternoon, 2 days after my mom's birthday. Unfortunately, my mom called me on that afternoon to tell me that she's in KL for a meeting...adoiyaiiiiiiiii..rugi duit cek. But she said she asked my kak to keep the cake in the fridge and she will enjoyed it after she returns from KL.
I wrote this today as i was waiting for Kak Nina to update her page as she said her internet ngok ngeks these few days....i' am not sure how did my mom enjoy the cake as she hasn't call me yet since monday. Selamat makan la year ur grandchild will give her Tok something plak (psttt......hopefully we can go for holiday la next year....boleh kot kan? kan? kan? Where to go? U choose....hehehehe..........)
Here's the cake. As i have no time to explore any deco which i prefer, i just let Kak Nina decide on the deco. To me, i would prefer fruits or simpe deco on top of it. I hope my mom enjoys the cake.
Being an expecting mother i feel alot of pain here and there. Luckily i don't have much troubles with morning sickness (rasa mcm takdak langsung). Just some back pain sometimes or muscle cramps. Sometimes, when i had such pain made me think how hard my mak suffered while she's carrying me almost 30 years ago. Insafnya saya....rasa menyesal dok melawan mak. If i could turn back time, i won't do that to her....NEVER!!!!
Happy Birthday Mak........I love u alot!!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
40 Beautiful Weeks
Besides that, I tend to be very sensitive lately. Skit2 nak keryau...skit2 nk keryau.....pantang kena tegoq skit. And there's one time when my mom is in town but she wanted to stay at Gemok's place and refused to stay with us in Gombak n end up made me cry. Kecik ati la tuh.....Adoi laaaaaa......emo betoi......but the truth is my mom x reti tukaq2 lrt to PWTC. If she's from Gemok's place aka my former rumah sewa, trus jer naik lrt smpi PWTC differ if she's from Gombak. Needs to change at Masjid Jamek stn.Satgi ntah mana2 la plak mak aku pi....naya punya kes.
I talked to Kak Umi (in writing actually) as she is now is waiting for 2nd baby. She suggested me to do the UPT. I bought a self test kit from the pharmacy, dropped by at Kinokuniya to get a book on pregnancy (i bought 2 actually) and went back home.
The following morning as i woke up for Subuh, i did the test on my own in the bathroom. 2 pink lines appear......hah!!!!!!!!! what a positive result after 1 test. Gedebak gedebuk aku.....after prayer i woke my husband to tell him that we'r having our baby soon.....haaaaa........amikkk.......terkejut member...spontaneously hugged n kissed me and truih bangun pi solat subuh......later i saw his teary eyes. I think he never expect that we'r having a baby soon as i have some difficulties on my menses. The following day, we went to the doctor and the doc has confirmed that i am 6th weeks pregnant. (12th weeks by now)
From that day, he sent me to work and did not allow me to take lrt anymore...bestnya dimanjakan nihhhhhh......there's helping hands anywhere, everywhere.....sakit pinggang ka, sakit kepala ka ada la yg nak tlg picitkan walaupun tak la sesempurna mana...kdg2 tu tgh picit kepala...bedepuk tangan kt muka den....hehehe...terlena punya pasai la tuh (org dh tlg byk komplen plak....thanks dear.....)
The first person to know was Kak Umi, later my ZARS frens and Nur. Then my mom and parents in laws, my pak ngah and mak ngah and PCP....y PCP? he deserves to know as he was the 1st person to encourage me on my relationship with my husband...kiranya pakar rujuk la nih......later my bosses, colleagues and few tok said jgn seronok sangat awai2 nih......but i can't stop myself to tell those peoples around me yet, i am still secretive to some other peoples termasuk la makcik sorg yg menyibuk tuh......awak tu anak dara...toksah la dok sibuk hal2 org yg dh kawen nih......kaco jerrrr.......tiap2 hr jumpa kt ofis mesti nk tny. Dok dendiam dah ler......
I pray everyday that my baby and i in good conditions. Insyaallah....hopefully everything goes well.
Adikku Bertunang
Everybody were there for the ceremony except me. Dan yg plg aku geram tuh budak pompuan ni tak hormat kt aku...masa pi jumpa pak ngah few weeks ago dia tak salam pun ngn aku masa nk balik....mujoq la aku ni tak sihat....kalo dak mau kena pelempang kiri aku nih.....adoooooooiiiiiiiiii.........pressure sungguh......Yg plg aku hangin tu my hubby plak dok sokong mak mentua. aku sorg jer kat sebelah pembangkang dgn Anak.....anak pun diam ja....xdan nk gossip2 ngn aku...tunggu la dia mai sopping weekend ni......mmg la tak lena sampei pg kami 2 org dok gossip....hehehehe
Mudah2an aku lembut hati la before adik kawin dan bleh terima adik ipaq bertuah tuh. Hopefully adik got the right person for him. Riso gak aku bila dia dapat bini yg tak reti nk jaga dia. Aku ni jg adik tu sebaik mungkin la. Makan dia sumer....adesssssss............all the best adik.... I LOVE U A LOT........
Friday, August 1, 2008
Disclosure.......second episode
Sometimes in life, it takes a lot of time for me to decide whether to disclose any personal matter to public or not. Sometimes, i tend to be secretive as i think it was not a good time to disclose especially to frens. When i want to share any good news with others, i will choose the most suitable time to tell them. It is not as simple as....'woittttt.......jom pi makan laksa!!!!!!!!!!'.
Eventhough i am telling peoples the best news ever in my life, i may need to consider other peoples' feelings. Takkan la nak habaq time orang tu masuk icu plak kan? satgi x pasai2 ja blood pressure naik mendadak. I wanted to be very fair. To me, peoples' feelings, my frends especially much more important than my news to be shared with them. Nak jaga hati kawan la konon....last2 makan diri laaa.......
But....peoples may not understand this and just simply make any assumptions towards my reactions. Lantak la nak kata apa pun....i just don't bother walaupun hati sakit la jugak......the truth is, i have my own reason and only few peoples know why i did this.