Being a 56 years of age, she is still active in her political works after retirement (mak saya sangat lah busy bermesorat di sana sini) ended up i said she'll be the MP in the next elections. Hahahaha.......sori la mak....saja jer joke!!! At least she won't feel bored as both of us (me n my adik) are not around.
Back to her birthday last friday. It was too late to send her something on that day. So i decided to place an order for a chocolate cake from Kak Nina (she baked cakes for my engagement and wedding). The cake was sent of Sunday afternoon, 2 days after my mom's birthday. Unfortunately, my mom called me on that afternoon to tell me that she's in KL for a meeting...adoiyaiiiiiiiii..rugi duit cek. But she said she asked my kak to keep the cake in the fridge and she will enjoyed it after she returns from KL.
I wrote this today as i was waiting for Kak Nina to update her page as she said her internet ngok ngeks these few days....i' am not sure how did my mom enjoy the cake as she hasn't call me yet since monday. Selamat makan la year ur grandchild will give her Tok something plak (psttt......hopefully we can go for holiday la next year....boleh kot kan? kan? kan? Where to go? U choose....hehehehe..........)
Here's the cake. As i have no time to explore any deco which i prefer, i just let Kak Nina decide on the deco. To me, i would prefer fruits or simpe deco on top of it. I hope my mom enjoys the cake.

Being an expecting mother i feel alot of pain here and there. Luckily i don't have much troubles with morning sickness (rasa mcm takdak langsung). Just some back pain sometimes or muscle cramps. Sometimes, when i had such pain made me think how hard my mak suffered while she's carrying me almost 30 years ago. Insafnya saya....rasa menyesal dok melawan mak. If i could turn back time, i won't do that to her....NEVER!!!!
Happy Birthday Mak........I love u alot!!!!
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