Thursday, April 16, 2009


Open for all mothers...what say you on this? What would you prefer? Pills, IUD, or implan?

I will do some research and will write on my blog and will publish your comment here.

7 Readers' Says:

Leonora Halim said...

non-mothers buleh?? hehe... coz i'm surrounded with 'mothers' who took those... and my aunt is a gynae... :D

all have their pros n conts... depends on your body, how it will react to it...

my sister = pill is a NO-NO... dia pitam trus... and she kinda put a lot of weight... so she uses IUD...

my fren = pill no good as well.. she vomited quite often... mood swing very bad.. and she ended up with IUD as well...

implant... never came across anybdy who uses it yet...

happy trying.. :D

harnisafarina said...

Aku personally pakai pill utk setahun setengah dan alhamdulillah ok. No mood swing, no weight gain.

Aku ada kawan pakai IUD, kena infection dan kena buang (tataula kot gynae dia x pandai pasang kot)

Implant strongly not recommended by my gynae. According to him, 30% of women yg pakai implant akan experience inconsistent menses dan hormon akan jadik tunggang terbalik.

Anyway, its best to talk to your gynae regarding this issue. Tak semua org sesuai dgn kaedah yg sama.

azieazah said...

Yup.. cara terbaik dapatkan kaunseling dari gynae...

Adik Kak Z, makan pil, badan terus gemukkkk.. pastu selalu pening kepala..

Kak Z, honest tak pernah guna apa-apa. Main kira jer..

tapi sekarang, off teruih.. masa operate si kecik 7 tahun dulu, Kak Z tutup kedai teruihhhh... Legaaaa...

acu said...

yess.. aku jugak stuju.. better refer to gynea...

org2 yg aku kenai, ada yg pakai implano - hormon mmg weng... ada yg amik pil - jadik "kogomok lion" :P.. ada yg amil IUD - ada yg ok, ada yg p buang balik sbb infection, bla..bla.. bla..

aku - no pil, no IUD, no implano... "self dicipline"... :D

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

alo kengkawan...sori la xdan nk buat research lagi...

at the moment aku amik pill sebab aku x brani nk main bajet2 sendiri sbb cycle tak betoi....dah makan pil plak ada 1 mlm tu terlupa nk mkn sbb penat sgt blk dr kl...igt nk cari alternatif lain la utk mengelakkan eksiden....kalo thn depan nak eksiden aku rasa xpa la...dh ready...hehehehe......

Cosmedecorte said...

I have a friend with an implan. Dia ok jek.Takde pelik2 pun yg berlaku. I might want to have that in the future.

For the time being, I really one another one b4 going back for good.
Takut nak beranak kat Mesia hehehe <-- alasan semata mata ;P

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

beranak jer kat nihon...macam best ja i dengaq cerita kak umi tuh...i pun nak beranak kat nihon gak la...bulih ka? heheheh

I nih bukan la sorg yg berdisiplin bagai nak amik pil..kang dibuatnya terskip ka naya punya kes...