Later when i was 16, in November 1995 i was chosen to join a student exchange programme between the Ministry of Education and Hyogo Education Board. I was so excited to be in Japan and it was autumn that time. Since then, i started to learn Nihon-go but it was just a "main-main". I was not so serious until i did my bachelor degree and did my Japanese language for my third language class. My result was quite okay that time with 2 B+ and 1 A for 3 semester course.
After that i forgot almost everything until 2 weeks ago when one of my colleague attend Nihon-go class. I asked him to get the same book and started to learn the hiragana again. I talk to my princess in Nihon-go everyday to get her to know other language besides Malay,English and Arabic (her papa taught her few arabic words). She seems understands those words. The few words are :
Miruku o nomimasu
Asa gohan o tabemasu
Miruku o nomimasu
Asa gohan o tabemasu
We also do the simple counting one to 10. Luckily my husband did not object for what i've been doing to our little princess. It is good for her to explore new things in her life. I wish i could do some flashcards for her so that both of us can learn Nihon-go.
Until today, i can write 15 characters in Hiragana. I know that is not much but at least i started to learn something as perhaps 1 days i could get a scholarship to do my MBA in Japan. Who wish could come true. As my friend always told me......."Kalau takdak angan2, takkan jadi KLCC tu"

Until today, i can write 15 characters in Hiragana. I know that is not much but at least i started to learn something as perhaps 1 days i could get a scholarship to do my MBA in Japan. Who wish could come true. As my friend always told me......."Kalau takdak angan2, takkan jadi KLCC tu"
My is not as good as grade 1 kids but seems ok la i think....drp xtau langsung kan....

2 Readers' Says:
Buat la MBA kat Jepun best tau! Byk scholarship la ni n byk tempat wat course in English. So u dont need to know Japanese that much.
Kat Japanese embassy slalu offer tiap tahun but be careful byk scholarship has age limit. So cepat2 carik na hehehe
Farah...i dh tgk scholarship japan embassy. For MBA age limit is 35. So dan lg nk hambat nih. Mudah2an ada la rezeki nanti.....
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