Friday, January 29, 2010

Mama's First Day At School

My first class begin last week saturday. It was Komunikasi Perniagaan i.e Business Communication which is the only subject that we have to sit and it is in Malay Language. Malay language is SPM standard only, not Uni standard. Die laaaaa........

My first Malay presentation after i completed my diploma 10 years ago was horrible.

(The translations as follows)

"Dear all i've been using English language spoken and written since i left school and my spoken Malay is very bad as i will be using my Northern Accent during the conversation. My apology for that."

I keep using few English term which some of the classmates will help me to translate it to Malay. Hadoi laaaaa.........susah betoi. It was extremely difficult eventhough i had a distinction A1 in my Malay language for SPM. Normally for written Malay i would sit back and relax and think an appropriate word to use as previously i used to help few bosses to translate English letter to Malay especially when we deal with government bodies.

My Management class was also awesome as i see the overall view as a working adult. I don't need to memorize all the things as i need to understand the overall process and applied to my daily working life. I see all these differently compared to my full time study before which i memorize all the notes and answer it on paper which i dont even understand what it is all about.

I have 2 assignments to complete and i hope that i can do well in both subjects.


Sometimes is very hard when the other half being 'inconsiderable' on every single thing. Should another half cry, laugh, frust, hate the other half for being that way?

2 Readers' Says:

azieazah said...

CHE YAH... seronok nyer dapat belajar balik. Kena asah balik la hang punya BM... jangan dok guna BM ala-ala Perlih wehh...

and kalu hang boh gambaq tak post ni, lagi best.

Cosmedecorte said...

Lama xdrop by. Welcome back to school hehehe ;P