Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tagged : Mommy

Kak Anne tagged me with these few questions. Sori la Kak Anne, me busy bee mommy...nak hop to blog org pun tak sempat :))

1. How old were you when your first child was born?

2. What month and year was your youngest child born?
Haven't decided yet. Waiting for me to conceived then i will tell the whole world. :D

3. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?
Excited. I am carrying our gene.

4. Who did you tell first?
My other half la. It was early in the morning i hold the test kit right in front of his eye.

5. How many pounds/kg did you gain during your first pregnancy?

6. What did you crave while you were pregnant?
Chocolate, ice cream, sweet things and Tebu...tapi sampai ke sudah tak dapat. I cannot take asam2.

7. Did you find out the gender of your first child? Why or why not?
We didn't know as she was premature and during that time it hardly be seen as my amniotic fluid leaked and the amount reducing.

8. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
Yes. I had PPROM (Preterm Premature Rupture of  Membrane)

9. How much did your first child weigh?

10. Was your first child early, late, or on time?
Ver much early. She was premature.

11. What is the most difficult challenge or health issue that any of your children have faced?
Complication during ventilated - anemia, apnea, ROP, infections

12. What's your favorite part of being a mom?
When she come and hug me and kiss me on my right n left cheeck, my lips again and again and again  until my face full of her saliva.  Seeing her development day by day makes me feel so proud and thankful for the Allah gift to us.

13. Do you think it's easier to be a mom or a dad?
Both play an important role to complete each other as a parents

14. What is the best piece of advice you could give to someone who is about to have their first child?
Thank to Allah for the precious gift. Take a good care of them especially their health and safety.

15. Did you always think you'd have kids?

16. What's been the biggest surprise about motherhood?
Looking at her development now. I saw her heartbeat stop, i saw her in pain during first 2 months she was born and i will be offended if people compared her with other babies as she is the best gift given by Allah to me.I know my little girl and i sacrificed a lot for her. Do not simply say anything. She is MINE!

17. Are there things you miss about life before kids?
None. We are happier with her presence. Wake up in the middle of the night became routine now.

18. How many children do you have?
ONE. At the moment. ;)

19. Do you plan to have any more children?
YES! YES! YES! How many not too sure, just enough to fit in 6 seater Estima. :D

20. Who's the mom that you admire most?
Mothers who are having special kids. They are superb! I saw few mothers sending their children with learning disabilities to school accross my office. Most of them are Down Syndrome. Feel like to hug them. You are so wonderful mothers.

And I would like to tag my frens.. a mommy :

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Accounts Lecturer SUCKS!

Ini adalah entry geram aku dgn lecturer accounts yg mengajar aku sem nih. Bengang siot dpt lecturer cenggini.

I don't mean tu curse her but i cannot stand with her attitude. Brief description on her. She teach us basic accounting this semester. Phd holder from London.....London tau!!!! Being a lecturer more than 10 years....10 years, okkeh! Bukan 10 months.

1st class....she seems young, i think maybe around mid 30. A good lecturer perhaps. She begins the class with some powerpoints presentation on the introduction. Fine, i guess this maybe just an intro. During the class she nagged on a few minor little thing. She left out the accounting cycle things etc which i think it wasn't right. She should teach from the very basic things as to ensure the students understand about accounting. This is very technical subject. Should be very detailed than what she has done during the class.The class end with assignments n quiz. I started to feel something but i just let it go eventough i dont feel good attending her class.

2nd class....we are supposed to learn adjustments, some inventory treatment perpetual n periodic method as well as LIFO n FIFO. Note to my uitm friends, we learnt this on costing during diploma. I think most of the time she nagged. Luckily i still can recall most of the things and we in a group of 5 do the exercises in the class while she nagged and being manja-manja mesra with the boys. Eeeee......meluat!!!! I interrupted her teaching when she was struggling to make the students understand about UNEARNED it our liability la mangkuk.....they customer pay deposit/prepayments for the service rendered. 2 of my geng bas sekolah withdraw from taking this paper because they don't understand anything from her teaching. I got frustrated because i encourange them to hang on as i can help and teach them during dicussions.

3rd class.....she introduced Bank Reconciliation and we do some revision on the Assignment 2 given. What irritates me the most when she said she doesn't have the answer as she hasn't done it. Helllooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a PHD holder tak buat revision before classes ker? After few attempt with some of us having the same answer then she admit that she asked her students to do it and she didn't do herself. WHAT THE F@*K!!!! Kepala otak hanggggggg!!!!

Kalo lagu ni mengajaq, baik aku yg takeover class. Let me teach my friends. Being among the excellent in the class (my other half said u takyah pi kelas...u dh penah ambik subject ni dulu), i feel worry about the other students especially my geng bas sekolah as they don't really understand about accounting. I am not so excellent but i can still recall what have been taught as i took accounting for my SPM as well as Diploma and my non-graduate degree.

She being a lecturer should teach the students from zero. Know your students before you start teaching. Please mind your words as we are adults, not school children. Do not nagged on what should and shouldn't we wear to class. Please focus more on teaching than nagging. You are not school prefect. Dah la mulut cam S*!L. Skati jer nk cakap apa. Ikut sedap mulut jer...tak reti nk hormat org langsung!

I wish i can excell in this subject. I initiate to teach my friends from the basic accounting i.e classification of accounts as well as debit n credit entry. I will keep on teaching untill they understand and know how to do it. I hope they can do well in the exam.

This make me think of being a lecturer to educate and guide students. Be a good one. Much better than her. I wonder how she teach full time student. Patutkah aku menghalalkan setiap sen yang aku bayar utk dia mengajar kami?

Dear varsities, please ensure your lecturer can teach. Please do not choose them merely on their exam grades as not all excellent students can teach.

I dunno how did she managed to be a lecturer? Don't waste tax payers money if you have this kind of attitude!You are not worth their money.

Should i make an official complaint to the faculty?


I missed my lecturers in Uitm....n i missed their nagged too... :D
Puan Laily Umar
Puan Sharifah Fadzlon Abd Hamid
Puan Rohana Alias
Puan Kalsom Said
And other lecturer in Faculty of Accountancy UiTM Shah Alam who teach me from 1997 till 2002.

Thanks for educating and guiding me. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How I see things recently

 First day of holding my little Safiyyah....44 days after she was born. Wrapped in 3 pcs of cloth and yet she is smaller than my hand

My little Safiyyah recently (pic taken in May)

I found out that Raden Galoh, someone whom i know writes about her journey of fighting breast cancer (Kanser Payu Daraku) lost her battle to fight the 2nd attack of the cancer few weeks ago. I don't really read her blog without any reason. Maybe kind of busy or something. After known that she has passed away from her friend who is also my colleague, i started to read her blog from the beginning. (I am that type of person, i will write someone's blog from the beginning until the recent)

While browsing her blog, i found an interesting posting dated May 3rd 2009 by  Siti Marlina Zainal about her surviving years of battling breast cancer and how did she managed to carry her first little angel with only 1 left breast as she had her masectomy and how she fought till her last breath carrying her son (the baby was born premature due to her health condition) After 2 1/2 month gave birth to Qays Aiden, she lost he battle and return to the Creator. Al-Fatihah for both of them.

Previously, I will tell peoples that i am not ready to have another child due to my study, my work etc.But after reading their blogs, i am now see things in differently. I want to do everything in this world. I want to graduate and soon having masters degree, i want to have a small business so that i can be at home raising my children, i want to make my husband happy, i want to swim again, loosing weight (as my other half claimed that i am FAT) and i want to have more children. I can't wait until i am ready which i do not know when i will be ready but for sure i am ready now. (ready ker?)

I remember the first time touching her on the 2nd day i gave birth to her and i can only hold her after 44 days she was born. The fellings which i can never imagine and i can never tell. I want to have that feelings again and yet I am still afraid of having preterm labor again but for this time i need to save a lot for our next coming baby(ies) in case that i have the preterm labor again. I will start my business soon and trying to conceive in the next few months or maybe next year. Insyaallah...i hope everything will be fine.


I impliedly write it here in case if my other half read my blog as i won't let him know directly......satgi dia melompat sakan plak. :D