Everyday, i will be at home doing normal things all housewife need to do (Kadang2 terpeleot gak sbb sllu buat keja rumah weekend jer) and the most important thing is nursing little Humaira Safiyyah.
Today, for the first time i cooked Nasi Ayam for lunch as my husband will normally came back and have lunch with me. I cilok this recipe from Ina's Fotopages with few alterations here and there. I managed to complete everything in 1 hour so that my husband may have luch on time.
So this is my version of Nasi Ayam. My husband said the rice, chicken, and the chilli are perfect but i need to improve on the sos kicap and the soup (he wanted me to add some chicken in it). Alaaaaa........1st time...besa la kan...ada la yg tak perfect tuh.....tapi sorg 2 pinggan gak balun ;))
Tiba2 teringat bihun kari la plak...bila nk masak tah la....
The set of Nasi Ayam (ignore ja lapik meja yg huduh tuh)
How i prepare the :
3 cups of rice (ikut suka byk mana anda nk masak)
1 tablespoon ghee (minyak sapi)
Chicken skin n fat (i put 1 tablespoon, cut into small pieces)
Ginger (ikut la byk mana pun....hiris nipis)
2 cloves Garlic (hiris nipis gak)
Pinch of salt for seasoning
Heat the ghee, saute garlic,ginger & chicken fat
Put the rice (cuci bersih2 dulu) fry for 2-3 minutes
Put into the rice cooker add water (version nak cepat) and salt
Cook as usual.
Chicken Stock
Boil water, add garlic, ginger, potatoes,carrot & chicken
Add chicken stock & salt.
Remove chicken when its cooked
Serve the soup. You may add celery if u want to.
Add spring onion & chinese celery (daun sup daa...)

Soy sauce (i use lite soy sauce...toyu pekat xdak)
Oyster sauce
Bring everything to boil together with the chicken (the same chicken in the soup) 5-6 mins
Remove the chicken
Chicken Stock
Boil water, add garlic, ginger, potatoes,carrot & chicken
Add chicken stock & salt.
Remove chicken when its cooked
Serve the soup. You may add celery if u want to.
Add spring onion & chinese celery (daun sup daa...)
Soy sauce (i use lite soy sauce...toyu pekat xdak)
Oyster sauce
Bring everything to boil together with the chicken (the same chicken in the soup) 5-6 mins
Remove the chicken
Ayam goreng
Oil for deep fry (kes nak cepat)
Ayam (the chicken in the soup then in the kicap)
Fry for 2-3 minutes (ikut suka nak garing or tak)
5 Readers' Says:
haaaa... nasik ayam ngan nasik lemak plus laksa (laksa...plan dpd b4 posa aritu... huuhhuuhhu)will be my next project. nasik tomato dh sukses arituh :)
nasik lemak aku dh pandai...laksa pon dh pandai...aku pon duk tagak ja nk wat nasik ayam n nasi tomato
amboi cheyah! Meleleh ayaq liur aku tengok nasik ayam ko...
boleylah datang beraya haji kat rumah hang lepaih nih! hehehe
Sajala nak kongsi.. kalu nak pekatkan sos kicap tambah je tepung jagung sikit.. tapi make sure tepung jagung tu bancuh ngan air dulu la...
Tunggu la aku dh expert buat laksa beras..nti aku panggil hg mai mkn kt umah
Nasik jagung aku dh pass, nasik tomato ja x try test lg..raya hj ni la kot nk masak....jemput la mai umah...hehehe (aku tau hg blk kpg)
Kak Lina...
Raya hj ni nk masak menda lain la...silap2 Beego jerk (bihun goreng...hehehe)
Cik Mai...
Saja x boh tepung...saya suka kuah kicap cayaq...x suka pekat2..itam nasik saya satgi
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