Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't Touch My Baby!

Giving birth to a preemies made me extra cautious on everything especially the hygienic part. My husband and i will ensure that our hands are properly washed before touching our baby, her feeding bottles as well as her milk. Besides, most of the thing must be very clean to avoid any infections on our baby.

During her first few months, i refused to let other peoples touching her to maintain the level of hygiene. No touching, no kissing etc. We only allow both grandmas visiting us touching her but not to kiss her. How cruel we were that time. But it is for her own good as she is highly infected. Until now, we keep the same practise which we won't simply let other peoples touching her especially peoples who had running nose, fever and cough (kesian Aunty Seri, 1st time jumpa Humaira takleh pegang dia...mujoq aunty paham)

Yesterday, we sent a frend of my niece to the Alor Star airport and later i drove the car to Tesco Mergong, Kedah. I love to do shopping there as the diaper is chepaer than in Perlis. So do the formula. While walking aisle by aisle, there was a lady staff there passed by us and she asked me how old my baby is and i told her 6 mths (lupa daaaa.........anakku sudah 7 bulan kemarin) and she suddenly trying to touch my baby's cheek. Immediately i told her, "do not touch my baby, please! you must be very hygiene to touch her!". Entah tangan dia dari mana2 nak mai pegang anak aku. She immediately walked off then. Mesti dia kata aku sombong. Tapi lantak pi la....janji anak aku sihat.

The other reason i refused to allow peoples touching her cheek is because she loves to put her fingers (more than 1 finger ya aunty2....) to her mouth and later all the saliva will running out from her mouth to her cheek and her chest....belemoih la anak daraku nan seorang, if other peoples touch her cheek, i am afraid that the bacteria will infected her saliva and later to her mouth,her lung etc. Sungguh cengeng aku ini (meminjam ayat kak anne)

To mothers who are having infants, please be 'kedekut' to others. Don't simply let peoples touching or kissing your baby to avoid any unnecessary incident happend to your baby. Besides, if you or your family had running nose, fever or cough please use face mask while handling the baby. There was a case in NICU where a healthy baby girl was born and 1 month later 80% of her lung damaged due to infections of running nose & cough of her elder sibling as well as her father. She lives will a life support machine and i don't know what happened to her as when my baby was discharged, she is still on life support machine.

4 Readers' Says:

azieazah said...

Agaknyer sbb tu la ERRA FAZIRA tak kasi reporters mai serbu anak dia...

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

kita kena jaga betoi2 tak kira la anak cukup bulan ka x cukup bulan ka...bukan apa takut jangkit apa2 satgi kita yg len takat tengok ja kan....beringat2 sebelum kena :D

Cosmedecorte said...

kalu org tak tau about your past mmg derang ingat u ni psycho kot hehehe jangan amik hati yer

i have the same feeling too bile tgk anak org lain yg kurang sihat mcm yg berhingus ke around my son at the nursery. "Dont come near my son!!" tp dlm hati jek la since I need him to be in the nursery...

Sya-Hanim Husni said...


I dont mind org nak kata apa kat i...lantak la...yg nak menanggungnyer kita kan....biorkan ...

Mak mentua i penah perli i sbb warning my in laws not to touch my baby if they had cough/flu whereas at the same time masa tu i batuk. I can control myself....tak batuk/bersin depan anak...bebudak tuh mana nak reti,kan...sama jer...dah penah kena..luckily my mom understands me well takdak la dia nak komplen apa2....