Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Retinopathy of Premature (ROP)

This article is copied from PatientPlus, UK

Retinopathy of Prematurity (Retrolental Fibroplasia)


The retina is unique among developing embryonic and foetal tissues in that it has no blood vessels until the fourth month of gestation. The vessels grow out from the optic disc, only fully reaching the periphery of the eye one month after birth.It is the incompletely vascularised retina that is susceptible to oxygen damage, especially in the pre-term infant. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a proliferative disorder of this immature retinal vasculature. It ranges from being mild with no visual sequelae to severe with marked visual impairment or blindness. The exact pathophysiology is not fully understood and it is unclear why some infants develop it whilst others, in a very similar clinical situation, do not. It is one of the few mostly preventable causes of childhood visual impairment in this country.


ROP develops in 16% of all premature births, the figure rising to over 65% of infants weighing less than 1250gms at birth. Some studies suggest that as smaller and younger babies are surviving, its incidence is increasing. However, better understanding of screening and management of these babies has resulted, others say, in a decrease in its incidence. Risk factors are:

  • Prematurity (particularly less than 32 weeks of gestational age)
  • Low birth weight (≤1500gms and particularly if ≤1250gms)
  • Oxygen therapy (hypoxaemia and hypercarbia also increase the risk)
  • Co-morbidity

Development and progression of ROP relates to the baby's post-menstrual age - PMA (i.e. number of weeks of age since conception).The timing of screening and therefore the window of opportunity for treatment depends on this rather than the baby's post-birth age, especially in the more pre-term infants. The current guidelines are to screen all infants born less than 32 weeks of gestational age or weighing less than 1501gms. Babies born before 27 weeks are screened at 30-31 weeks PMA, babies born between 27 and 32 weeks or weighing less than 1501gms at 28-35 days post-natal age. Screening is weekly or fortnightly according to clinical findings and is carried out by ophthalmologists with a specialist interest in these problems. ROP does not occur until after vascularisation is complete and therefore babies who have not developed any problems by 37 weeks PMA need no further screening.

Screening: what does it involve?
  • Mydriatic (dilating) drops are instilled in both eyes, 2-3 doses 5 minutes apart, one hour before screening.
  • Topical anaesthetic drops may also be used.
  • The baby's eyes are kept open with a small speculum and examination is carried out with a head-mounted ophthalmoscope (indirect ophthalmoscope).
  • The retina examination is enhanced with a neonatal sized indentor, a small rod-like instrument used to gently depress the globe, enabling visualisation of the extreme peripheral retina. (A larger version is used in adults and can be uncomfortable but is not painful).
  • The examination is uncomfortable and distressing for the baby and is kept as brief as possible; comforters (e.g. administering sucrose solution, swaddling or pacifier) may help.
Associated diseases

Any systemic problems are related to prematurity rather than to ROP per se. Ocular consequences are described in 'complications', below.

Disease description

There are a number of descriptors used to characterise the amount of ROP. Management and prognosis depends in the location, the extent, the staging and additional factors:

  • Location: where it is - for the sake of description, the retina is divided into concentric zones centred around the optic disc. There are three of these, zone 1 being the innermost and zone 3 the outermost.
  • Extent: amount of disease - the retina is also arbitrarily divided into clock hours and involvement is expressed in number of clock hours affected.
  • Staging: what is occurring. There are several progressive stages, each describing increasing severity of the disease. They are:
    • Stage 0 - no clear demarcation line between the developing but as yet non-vascularised area and the vascularised area.
    • Stage 1 - a demarcation line appears between non-vascularised and vascularised areas.
    • Stage 2 - the demarcation line becomes raised into a ridge
    • Stage 3 - abnormal neovascularisation now occurs
    • Stage 4 - the abnormal area detaches (retinal detachment)
    • Stage 5 - stage 4 progresses to total retinal detachment
  • Other factors - 'plus disease' describes features suggesting a tendency for ROP to progress:
    • Gross vascular engorgement of the iris and the pupils fail to dilate
    • Development of a vitreous haze
    • Dilated and tortuous fundal vessels
    • Vitreous and preretinal haemorrhages

For instance, a baby might be said to have ROP in 5 clock hours (12-5) of stage 3 disease in zones 2 and 3 in the presence of 'plus disease'.


The decision to treat is complex and based on the above characterisation of the ROP. Stages 1 and 2 need no treatment but stage 3 marks the point where treatment may be needed depending on extent and location. There are also issues surrounding the exact timing of treatment for it to be optimal. Once the treatment threshold has been identified, treatment needs to be carried out within 48 hours. Treatment options for stage 3 disease include laser therapy (first choice) or cryotherapy under general anaesthesia. A response should be seen between 2 and 6 days. Re-treatment may be carried out 10-14 days later if there has been a poor response. Treatment of stages 4 and 5 is more controversial as vitreo-retinal surgery may achieve reattachment of the retina but the visual outcome tends to be poor. Treatment tends to be to both eyes as the severity and progression of ROP in the eyes of a given baby tends to be similar.


Complications of treatment

Although treatment of severe ROP is associated with better long-term visual and structural outcomes, it carries a risk of both short- and long-term ophthalmic morbidities. These include:

Cicatricial ROP

About 20% of babies with ROP go on to develop cicatricial complications which tend to be worse with more advanced and more posterior original ROP. There are 5 described stages:

  • Stage 1 - myopia
  • Stage 2 - vitreoretinal fibrosis which can pull on the retina
  • Stage 3 - Severe peripheral retinal fibrosis
  • Stage 4 - Partial retinal detachment
  • Stage 5 - Complete retinal detachment ± secondary angle-closure glaucoma
  • Stages 1 and 2 - the pathology completely regress back to normality with a good visual outcome for the child.
  • Stage 3 - this is a turning point: the disease may or may not progress and it is these patients who need particularly close monitoring ± ablation of the abnormal neovascularisation to prevent going on to detachment.
  • Stages 4 and 5 inevitably progress and require surgical intervention although there is not necessarily a good visual outcome, making this treatment controversial.
  • Severe disease is relatively infrequent; one study found that only 18% of babies weighing <1251gms>
  • ROP is more often associated with an increased risk of less serious ophthalmic problems associated with prematurity such as strabismus and myopia.

Our little princess is diagnose with ROP stage 2 and she will be having another check up tommorrow. If the ROP develop, she may need to go for a laser theraphy/cyroteraphy.

I am so worry if the laser treatment may hurt her. I hope the ROP is not develop and she not need to undergo the treatment

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Masak - masak

One of my favourite lauk is Masak Lemak Cili Padi Udang/Ketam/Daging Salai. So yesterday i decided to cook Masak Lemak Cili Padi Daging Salai for lunch. I googled the recipe and ask one of my fren to guide. Maka terhasillah Masak Lemak Cili Padi Daging Salai CheYah version. Hehehehe......the taste is quite good eventhough i omitted few things while cooking this Masak Lemak (perasannyaaaaaaaaaa............tapi ok la for the first time kan...)

For today's lunch i cooked Daging Goreng and Sayur Bayam

Enjoy the pic and the recipe

Masak Lemak Daging Salai (Roasted Beef in Coconut Gravy)

Coconut milk
Cili Padi
Tumeric - omitted, i used tumeric powder
Tumeric leave - omitted
Lemon grass
Asam keping
Pineapple ( you may opt for bamboo shoot or Belimbing buluh)

Beef roasted half cook and thinly sliced set aside
Pound the cili padi(and tumeric)
Boiled with small amout of water
Add in coconut milk, lemongrass, asam keping, tumeric powder and bring to boil
Add beef, pineapple & salt wait until cook
Ready to serve

Daging Goreng CheYah (Che Yah's Stir Fry Beef )

Chilli powder
Tumeric pwder
Oyster sauce

Pound shallot,garlic & ginger
Marinade all the pounded ingredient with beef
Add in chilli powder,tumeric, salt & oyster sauce
Fry potatoes until half cook and put aside
Fry the beef and add in small amount of water (add in more water if you want more gravy)
Add in potatoes and onion wait until cook

Monday, November 24, 2008


Our little princess is getting naughtier and louder. Kalo teriak tu takdak kontrol2 punyalah...loud and clear...adoiiii....mujoq la mlm2 siren bunyi tak kuat.
Nowadays she refused to be swaddled. If we wrapped her in the swaddle, it will only last less than 1 hour and later the swaddle terburai terus. So, i give her a chance whether she needs to use the blanket or we have to swaddle her. She will spit her medication (multivits, folic acid syrup) everytime i gave her. Therefore i decided to blackmail her (ganaz punya mama nih..what to do...kalo tak dia takmo) or should i say negotiate??? (i think this word much appropriate)

Since then, my negotitation with her begin....and the list goes....

1. If she refused t be swaddle at nite, means no sleeping with us on our bed early in the morning.

2. Every morning she needs to use the blanket to keep her warm so that she will be able to take a bath in the afternoon (i say swimming.....mama dia kemaruk nak bwk anak pi swim dah nih..hehehe)

3. She must swallow all her chocolate, orange and pineapple syrup (the colors of her medication are chocolate, orange n yellow), if she spit it out, means no bath and no swimming

4. She must sleep in her bed (her playpen) with mosquito net attach so that no mosquito can bite her and she will be able to sleep with us later.

5. Do not cry so loud if she poo poo or hungry or else mama will take time to change her diaper and warm her milk.

My negotitation seems work at the moment as she will normally listen and do as what i said. Mintak-mintak anak mama sampai besaq la dengaq cakap mama.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Buat baik berpada-pada...buat jahat jgn sekali

Pada zaman Rasulullah S.A.W, baginda sering memberi makanan kepada seorang pengemis tua yang buta. Walaubagaimanapun, pengemis tersebut adalah seorang kafir yang amat bencikan Rasulullah dan dia tidak mengetahui bahawa lelaki yang datang padanya setiap waktu makan dengan memberinya makanan itu adalah Rasulullah. Setiap kali Rasulullah memberinya makan, dia akan bercerita Muhammad begitu dan Muhammad begini. Semuanya yang buruk-buruk belaka. Seorang yang semulia Rasulullah hanya berdiam diri dan terus memberi pengemis tua itu makan tanpa sebarang kata. Perkara ini dilakukan setiap hari sehinggalah Rasulullah wafat.

Selepas kewafatan Rasulullah tercinta, salah seorang sahabat baginda mengambil alih tugas tersebut. Ketika memberi pengemis tua itu makan, pengemis tua itu menolak makanan yang disuap kepadanya. Kata pengemis tua itu, "kamu bukan orang yang selalu memberi aku makan kerana orang yang memberi aku makan itu akan melumat-lumatkan makanan ini sebelum menyuapkan kepada aku. Dimana orang itu?" Kemudian sahabat tersebut menangis teresak-esak lalu berkata " Dia adalah Rasulullah, Kekasih Allah. Dia tidak akan datang ke sini lagi kerana telah meninggal dunia". Setelah mendengar kata-kata sahabat tersebut, maka pengemis tua itu insaf lalu memeluk agama Islam.

Sifat Rasulullah yang mulia itu patut dicontohi oleh semua umat Islam, walaupun di caci dan di hina, Baginda tetap membalasnya dengan baik dan tidak berdendam sama sekali. Malangnya saya masih tidak dapat mencontohi sifat mulia Rasulullah. Saya tidak berdendam tetapi tidak dapat melupakan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh individu-individu tertentu yang telah melakukan sesuatu kepada saya. Melukakan hati dan perasaan saya. Individu-individu yang kononnya rakan, sahabt dan kawan dunia akhirat. I can simply forgive but i won't forget. Perasaan marah yang tak dapat dibendung menyebabkan saya membenci individu-individu tersebut sehinggakan saya tidak dapat melihat kelibat mereka malahan menyebut nama mereka pun saya tak sudi.

Maafkan aku ya Allah....aku tak sekuat dan setabah orang lain dalam membendung amarah ini......maafkan kerana aku masih belum mampu mencontohi sifat Kekasihmu, Rasulullah S.A.W

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nasik Ayam 1 Jam Sahaja...

I've been on leave both medical and annual leave since September 2, 2008 and will be on unpaid leave for 6 months beginning November 21,2008 till May 21, 2009. Therefore, my routine as a mother and a wife has changed since i gave birth to my little princess.

Everyday, i will be at home doing normal things all housewife need to do (Kadang2 terpeleot gak sbb sllu buat keja rumah weekend jer) and the most important thing is nursing little Humaira Safiyyah.

Today, for the first time i cooked Nasi Ayam for lunch as my husband will normally came back and have lunch with me. I cilok this recipe from Ina's Fotopages with few alterations here and there. I managed to complete everything in 1 hour so that my husband may have luch on time.

So this is my version of Nasi Ayam. My husband said the rice, chicken, and the chilli are perfect but i need to improve on the sos kicap and the soup (he wanted me to add some chicken in it). Alaaaaa........1st time...besa la kan...ada la yg tak perfect tuh.....tapi sorg 2 pinggan gak balun ;))

Tiba2 teringat bihun kari la plak...bila nk masak tah la....

The set of Nasi Ayam (ignore ja lapik meja yg huduh tuh)

How i prepare the :


3 cups of rice (ikut suka byk mana anda nk masak)
1 tablespoon ghee (minyak sapi)
Chicken skin n fat (i put 1 tablespoon, cut into small pieces)
Ginger (ikut la byk mana pun....hiris nipis)
2 cloves Garlic (hiris nipis gak)
Pinch of salt for seasoning

Heat the ghee, saute garlic,ginger & chicken fat
Put the rice (cuci bersih2 dulu) fry for 2-3 minutes
Put into the rice cooker add water (version nak cepat) and salt
Cook as usual.


Chicken Stock

Boil water, add garlic, ginger, potatoes,carrot & chicken
Add chicken stock & salt.
Remove chicken when its cooked
Serve the soup. You may add celery if u want to.
Add spring onion & chinese celery (daun sup daa...)


Soy sauce (i use lite soy sauce...toyu pekat xdak)
Oyster sauce

Bring everything to boil together with the chicken (the same chicken in the soup) 5-6 mins
Remove the chicken

Ayam goreng

Oil for deep fry (kes nak cepat)
Ayam (the chicken in the soup then in the kicap)
Fry for 2-3 minutes (ikut suka nak garing or tak)


3 fresh red chillies
1 tomato
2 lime (take the juice)
Blend all together

Monday, November 17, 2008

And the answer is........

A PLAYPEN..........

After considering my frens' advices, i decided to get a playpen for our little princess... (gambaq akan di updet kendian). These are few reasons why i choose the playpen :

1. Mobile - as both of us from the north and we may need to travel regularly, the playpen is more suitable. It can be folded and comes with travelling bag which we can easily throw the playpen in the car boot. So nak balik kampung punya isu setel.....kt mana2 dia blh tidoq...

2. Cost - due to higher inflation rate and economic turndown recently, we need more savings for our future property,medical bills, household expenses etc, we need something cheaper and economical. So, this is the best. It cost me merely RM200 (actually, my mom bought it for her granddaughter...but still, i choose the cheapest....xleh la demand sgt)

3. Space - currently we are renting a 2 room landed house. Quite small for us who live in a bigger house before.(rumah kt kpg ada 6 bilik....awat x kecik sungguh dok umah nin). Most of our things still unpack until we got our own property. So, we can easily store this playpen if we don't need it by folding it and keep it in the bag.

4. Usage - i can still use this when she grows up. I can put her toys, dolls etc in there and let her play while i am doing my work at home. Setelllll...........

Friday, November 14, 2008 mother's or mother's to be only

Hello mothers!

I need opinions from all of you. I intend to get a baby cot or a playpen for my little princess. I planned do this to train her to sleep alone instead of sleeping together with us in one bed. Some peoples said playpen is better which i can still use it when she grows older. I can let her play in there with her dolls etc. Whereas if i buy a baby cot, i can only use for shorter period of time as she may jump out of the cot.

So now mama dalam dilema nih....i am not sure which one should i choose.




What say you mothers?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mama....Papa & Humaira Safiyyah

After 60 days our Humaira Safiyyah went back home with us. I am so glad and so grateful to bring her back. But first 48hours at home is very crucial. We have to monitor everything. Her body temp, her breathing, her milk intake. We must be very extra alert and careful and must be hygiene too...

For the first nite, we decided to put her in bed with us. (sebenaqnya baby cot x beli lg). I have to sleep in the middle as we put her on the left side against the wall. Takdak la insiden terpenyek ka jatuh katil ka. While we have very sound sleep, suddenly i hear her voice. Alahaiiiii........anak mama tak lena rupanya. Dok main sorg2. Siannya anak mama nih. I feed her at 2.30 and she sleeps until 5.15. Feed her again and later we sleep until 7.30. Subuh gajah la nih.....truk betoiiii.....

We had a very good time last nite and hope we may expreince the best time throughout her growing up years......

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


We arrived at the hospital last nite almost 9.00pm. She was feeding by the nurse. Alamakkk...tak sempat la mama bg susu....the nurse instructed me to unpack my thing in the recovery room. They gave me the bed which i booked earlier. Melampau mama nih..siap buking2 bilik lg...mentang2 la sumer org dh kenai...

I am a bit nervous and i couldn't sleep until 12 midnite which is little Humaira Safiyyah's feeding time. I feed her and later put her in bed. I know she wanted to sleep with me but i told her that she will sleep with me later at 3.00am as i need to keep her warm under the warmer before we can sleep together.

She behave so well and sleep soundly next to mama at 3.00am. Unfortunately, the other babies next to our room cry the whole nite which disturbed her sound sleep (anak dara mama tak suka bisin2 wooo...........)

We woke up at 6.00am for another feeding and i went off for prayer. 7.30 the nurse came in to bathe the babies who reach 36.8 degree c and above and weight them. My little Humaira today is 1.815kg. Yehaaaaaaaaaaa..........most probably the doctor will discharge her today.

I went to get some breakfast and newspaper and later wait for the paeds to do morning check ups. Good news for us, she agreed to discharged my baby today as she satisfied with her condition (no fever,no apnea etc)

I am so glad to hear that.....Alhamdulillah...after 60days, she will be back with us.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Back in Action

Saturday morning i woke up with fever and running nose. Sudahhhhhhh........jgn la demam...sian anak mama...i took shower, cook breakfast and express my milk. Alhamdulillah....i managed to get 40ml this time. It shows that i can produce more milk now. I feel better as well.

My husband went to visit our little princess alone in the afternoon. He didn't allow me to go. Wanted me to take a rest. Mama pun apa lg.....dh start la dondang sayang...skali kena spin daaaaa......DO NOT CRY!!!!! huhuhuhu......yala yala....mama x teriak la nihhhh........(padahai ayaq mata bergenang2....heheheh)

At last he sent me to the hospital after maghrib prayer and we need to leave by 8.00pm. He keeps warning me for not to cry....ala2 cd rosak plak....menda yg sama ja dok repeat...adoiyaiiiiii........

After 30minutes moment with my little princess, we headed back home. Dapat jumpa sat pun jd la...janji blh peluk cium anak mama....

The good thing is she is now 1.72kg. Cepatnya berat naik. Pipi pun sama naik gak la.....

We went again yesterday and the nurse ask if i am fit enough to be admitted again. I ask if i could be warded the following day so that i can prepare for my things.

I visited her around 12 today and she is so fine. Rasa mcm berat dh naik sebab pipi dh naik. I'll be warded again tonite and will be sleeping with my little princess. A bit nervous but i can't wait to be with her again. Kiss her as much as i want, hug her as long as i can and feed her with my milk......TAK SABAQNYA MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Tak Ketahwan

She lost her weight again yesterday. down to 1.6kg. I was so upset and i was so sad. I can't take this as i feel like i am not a good mother. I was crying all day as i can't really face this. The doctor came to me and talk to me so do the paeds, then later the sister (senior nurse) and the nurses. I still can't hide my sadness.

Later in the afternoon, the sister came in to talk to me and advice me to take a rest for 2-3 days at home. At first i was a bot reluctant to leave my baby there alone as she's been sleeping with me since the past 7 nites. I am afraid that she may be cold at nite and nobody's there to hug and keep her warm. I am worry of everything which i shouldn't be. She convinced me for a few time and later i agreed to take a few days break.

I talked to my mom and i cried throughout the conversation. As usual, my mom cries with me. She calm me down.

I hugged and kissed my baby. I keep saying sorry to her as i have to leave her alone in the hospital. I feel so guilty as i can't take a good care of her.

My husband fetch me after maghrib and we went back home. I was so sad to leave her alone there. I brought back her blanket which i covered her every nite. I can still smell her on that blanket. I slept with the blanket last nite. Had a very bad nite and i had fever as well. I had a very bad dream as well which i woke up in the middle of the nite. Luckily my husband was around and he calm me down.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Worried Mother

My little Humaira Safiyyah suffer weight loss since i started feeding her on sunday. From 1.73kg, her weight reduced to 1.69kg and today 1.64kg. I am so worry about this. The specialist just came for a visit and i told him that i forced her to take more milk but she refused.

The doctor said not to worry about this as this is normal for them as they started breastfeeding, these babies will have some reduction in weight as they use energy to suck. Do not force your babies to take more milk. Let them take as much as they need day or night.

Haaaaa.......lega mama...dah la anak kecik ja....makin pipinya menten gebu...heheheh.......still active as usual and very demanding now. No bising2, no wet nappy, no swaddle. Swaddle kalu alamat tgn terkeluaq la after 10 mins.

Mama kalut betoi laaaaaaa........Humaira Safiyyah menten jaaaa......and today she had her first bath too!!!!.......

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tidoq sekatil.....

Since our first nite and second nite was not really good, i took a chance to sleep during the day as my little Safiyyah sleeps so that i can prepare for the sleepless nite.

I sleep as early as 9.00pm last nite after nursing her. The nurse woke me up at 10.30 to see her condition. As i look terrible last nite, she asked whether i am doing fine. I told her that i am ok, just lack of sleep the nite before and make me tired.

12.05am my little princess begin her normal routine. I bring her on my bed and nurse her while i am lying down. This make both of us comfortable. She normally feed around 1 hour so that i can take a nap in between. Janji nipple mama masuk first i am afraid that she may choke if nursing that way but the nurse said it wn't happen and she guide me how to do. Legaaaaa........

I tried to put her in cot after nursing but it only last for 10 minuts. 1.00am sudah nangis laaaaaa.........i later decided to put her next to me and hug her throughout the nite. Lena la anak mama kena peluk........(sorry pa...i don't mean that....tapi utk kesejahteraan mama n safiyyah, kena la mama buat camtu....kalo dak demam mama). She doesn't accept milk with syringe. Only breastfeeding acceptable. Alamat botoi avent 10 bijik kat rumah tu jd tukun la nanti. Takpa la....simpan utk adik lg 3 tawon.....

I feed her at 1.00am, 2.30, 3.45, 5.00am and 6.30......dan dengan bangganya anak mama lena takdak keryau2 punya....bunyi skit2 ja.....

I went to the toilet around 5.30....truih berbunyi sakan sbb mama takdak.....dengaq sora mama teruih diam....alahai la anak.....perangai terbaru dia......dengaq sora papa semlm truih celik mata luas.....hmmmm.........anak papa....your football buddy is on the way back home.....selamat berjaga dengan anak....mama nak tidoq....heheehehe.......

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our First Nite

My little Humaira has been transferred to recovery room yesterday at 6.00pm. Therefore, i am required to be admitted with her so that i can take care of her as well as breastfeeding her. I was a bit challengging as this would be the first time i need to do everything for her, changing nappy, feeding etc. Everything goes well as her papa arrived after maghrib and wait untill 10.00pm (all parents whose children are here need to leave this NICU by 10.00pm unless any emergency cases)

She is awake untill 10.30 and later has a sound sleep. She woke up again for feeding at 12.30 and i managed to give her 20ml of express milk as she is unable to suck my nipple properly (first time la katakan...mama pun kelam kabut gak...). She sleep around 1.30 and woke up again at 3.30 for another feeding. She really can be papa's football buddy. Pasni malam2 kalo Humaira mangkit nk minum mama handover to papa la....

Such a morning person, she woke up at 5.30 and awake until 6.45. Adoiyaiiii........mama pun rasa nak demam dah nih...dah la air-cond sejuk x sangga ( i am not an aircond tolerate which can caused my body temp higher at nite). She later sleep untill 8 which the nurses came in to weight her and if her body temperature is fine, they will bathe her. Unfortunately, she is not fit to be bathe, agaknya semalam sejuk sgt kot. I just need to changed her diaper, her kimono look a like dress and her swaddle.

It was a good experience on our first nite and today i sleep while she's sleeping and wake up when she needs some milk. Dua2 blh rest...takdak la weng mama mlm ni. And the best thing is she is able to suck my nipple properly since today's afternoon. I am so glad that she can manage to do it and i want her to be healthy. Just can't wait to bring her back home

Perangai terbaru.....mesti tidoq kat riba mama dulu sebelum masuk cot. Tak tidoq kalu mau dok merengek sorang2.....anak mama......such a wonderful feelings

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good News!!!

My little princess is out of the ventilator on thursday morning and she is placed on the baby cot. They swaddles her in a green linen and cover her with few layers of blanket to maintain her body temperature.

I need to be warded tommorrow as they will start to train me and her for breastfeeding. She is able to suck now as nurses trained her with 1cc of milk everytiime they feed her. I can't wait for tommorrow. Anxious to be with her everyday and night. I can't wait to feel like a real mother feeding her baby.

We went for shopping tonight at Jusco One Utama and get few things for our little Humaira as i haven't buy anything for her yet. I bought a baby box few months ago as well as breast pump ( i asked ina to buy it for me from CPH). We bought few clothes, socks, bath towel, face towel. I was so excited looking at those cute clothes. I went to Isetan KLCC earlier and get her pink blanket as well as swaddle blanket (kain bedung). Psssttttt........i bought a bag too which i will make it as a baby bag but i quickly hide it somewhere. Kantoi kalu, habih sekotak beg aku kena bakaq ngn papa Humaira....hehehehe..........

I really can't wait for tommorrow...........