Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I had few series of dream 2 weeks ago. One night i had a dream that i am pregnant and i can see my tummy growing bigger and bigger. The other night i while i was sleeping, i was dreaming i went to shop for babies items. Bought a moses basket, babycot, nappy etc222. After 2 days i was dreaming that i am heavily pregnant during my niece's wedding. Aiyyakkkkkkkk..........my niece is getting married on Jan 1st 2011. How arrr????

I've been thinking whether we, not we, whether i am ready for a second baby. As my little pumpkin is getting naughtier day by day, i feel like i need another year of break before having another one. Let me rest for a while ya, Pa!

But the most important thing is i need to go for a treatment before having another one to avoid pre term labour again. I can't afford to go through all this for another time. 

Deep in my heart, i can't wait to have another baby again. To see him/her grows in my tummy amd to feel what my friend call 'montot sebesar mangkuk tandas' and to feel everything all over again. I miss the time when my little pumpkin sleep on my chest everynite before i put her on her bed, i miss the time when i put her in my sling and cling her around and this time i want to breastfeed my baby until he/she reaches 2 years of age. Getting pregnant and having a baby is the most wonderful thing i've ever had in my life.( I should not tell this to my hubby as he is definately ready at any time :D)  

Gambar hiasan....aku xtau mana aku cilok pic nih

~Kadang2 kita asik melihat dan mempertikaikan kelemahan org lain sedangkan kelemahan sendiri dilindung2. Seeloknya pelihara diri dan keluarga sendiri kerana kita masih kekurangan. Tiada yang lebih.Jangan asyik menghitung kelemahan orang lain kerana kelemahan diri sendiri tidak terhitung.~

6 Readers' Says:

azieazah said...

CHE YAH.... tak sabaq gak nak tunggu kot hang mengandung lagi... mana tau dapat geng bola plak pasni.. heeee bestt..

betoi.. mengandung memang saat paling best.. paling indah...

hmmmm I like baby... seronokkkk.. cuma dah tak larat dah laarrr..

Beranak banyak muda-muda ni elok... tak penat sangat...

*Kelemahan ada di mana-mana. Menerima seadanya diri orang lain adalah yang terbaik...

anne rafei said...

aaaaaa..... pregnant yeeeeeee

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

Sabaq puan2 sekelian....saya belum lagi mengandung dan belum jugak akan mengandung dlm masa terdekat nih....cek kepenatan dek kerana anak dara sorg tuh punya perangai. Penin dan penat....

Kak Azie....if the people have the same thought takpa....ni main dok kias2 saja nk perli tang lain tu yg buat kita meluat. Padahai aku x amik pahadoi dh ke depa....(meminjam ayat PCP)

Mazatul azura said...

Cik Kirah.. Meh la kita meramaikan umat manusia.. hehehe.. We will never be ready for anythings but we will adjust ourself to suit the situation when it's come..

azieazah said...

Antara CHE YAH dan CIK MAI, sapa nak pecahkan rekod Kak Azie? hahahah...

Toksah dok pahadoi ler pasai depa tu KIRAH ooii... Aku ni buat bodo jerr...

Lagi orang mengata, lagi aku nak tunjuk. Sebenaqnyer hat yg dok mengata tu, pesai depa tak bleh buat lagu kita berjaya buat.. Ahaks!

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

Cik Mai....rasa cam x mampu laaaaaaaa........plg byk 3 kot blh pi.

Kak Azie...setakat la ni yg berani celen kak azie ni cek rasa cik mai sorg ja...dia nk masuk 4 dah....lg 3 kompom menang ngn kak azie...cek xleh laaaaa........lain la kot kembaq 5 plak pasni.....hehehehhe......tu baru cukup team futsal...xdak simpanan la plak..... :D