Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Little Iro-iro Giveaways

I am just trying my luck to get a giveaway from the most wonderful bag designer, Liza the owner of Little Iro-Iro. She is a great designer. Her stiches also gooooooooood. Aku pelik gak pasepa dia kata tak reti. Elok jer beg yg aku oder ngn dia....lawa siotttttttt..............folks, you should place an order or 2 with her. Me got 3 orders until today and eyeing on her clutch now *wink* *wink*

Sudahhhhhhh...........jgn melalut yer CheYah. As i have a lot of totes already, i want something else. Jeng....jeng....jeng....come on Liza, show ur talent babe! Ur wonderful designer.....

So ini dianya yg saya mahukan.....

1. Enadia Clutch + detachable sling (ini saya mahu tali yg halus jer + swivel hook yg besi)
I want the clutch so tht i can put my handphone, purse n pen and keep it in my baby bag. So tht i just bring only 1 bag everyday to work. Kalo bwk 2-3 beg mau tertinggai stgh dlm lrt

2.Sophie Car organizer.
I want this organizer as my beloved hubby said i selalu sepahkan kereta dgn segala maknikam brg2 i. So this one i can throw everything in and nobody can kacau my things.

Err....boleh ker 2 nih? boleh la kot...Liza, if i won. you may choose any bag that you would love to make for me. Yeayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (melampau ini emak budak ;) )

For outer fabric, i want Saralisa Fabric of Ikea

For inner i will go for normal cotton fabric (similar to my baby jue tote) yg Liza buat for me. So yummy......

Or....can i go for Denim / Curduroy Liza? can arr? :D

Finger cross i want this bag/these bags so badly.

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