Tuesday, April 1, 2008


My wedding will be held less than 50 days and there were lot n lots of questions asked by few concerned peoples.

"Kad awat tak siap lagi?"

"Kad buat di mana?"

"Hantaran dah beli ke blom?"

"Baju dah siap ka dak lagi"

"Orang patut sebulan ni dah relek"

And the lists goes..........

Adoiiiiiii........penat nak menjawab. With my current financial situations make me sick of those questions. Sabaq..when the time comes, everything will be ready. Rimas la org dok tanya banyak2 kali benda yang sama ni. Luckily my mom doesn't forced me with such questions. She only asked about the card but only this week. I understand her situation as being alone, she has to send for invite on her own. We need to send to arwah abah's side as well. So it may takes alot of time to send those wedding cards here and there.

I am glad that everybody concerned about me but sometimes i feel uncomfortable when such questions were repeated again n again. Peoples might not understand and may not know my problem and i don't bother to tell them as this won't changed anything.

I wish i could goyang kaki and wait for the big day to comes but i can't afford to do that. I've been doing everything alone without assistance from anybody nor from my mom.

Pening memikirkan the best answers that suit the questions. Satgi tak jawab org kata sombong plak.......adesssssss........peninnnnnnnnnn...........

3 Readers' Says:

lina said...

itulah dugaan org nak kawen. Cek dulu siap nak kensel kawen sebab mak cek merajuk - cek tak berkenan dgn mak andam yg dia rekemen. tak ke haru. huhuhu... sabor, sabor... lepas ni leh gi hanimun, gasak pi org lain.

azieazah said...

Sabarrr Cek Yah oooiii...

U know.. semua orang sekeliling U concern, yang penting menyayangi U..

Do your very very best..

I know U can..

A.Z. Haida said...

che yah - bloghopped ntah dari mana mai tak ingat dah... anyway, your entry reminded me of my own preparation once upon a time ago... (la ni anak dah dua, rasa mcm dah lama walaupun blm 4 tahun kawin). hubby and i were engaged a month after we met, and got married less than 3 months after we were engaged, so yes, i was one of those who could not afford to sit back and relax, and yes, there were lots of questions on this and that hurled my way too...

i remember a friend advising me to answer question with question - "hantaran/baju dah beli belum?" with "belum, awat? nak sponsor ka?, "Kad dah hantaq belum?" with "belum habih. awat? nak tolong ka?", etc etc etc... heheheh...

anyway - all the best and may Allah bless!