Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby Sign Language & Flash Cards

My little princess is 6 moths old tommorrow. Currently she is able to sit with aided. However, she seems doesn't interested in toys (maybe benda2 yg dibeli tak menarik minat dia kot). She will grip anything near her but still unable to grip any bigger items.This haunted me as other babies at her age really love soft toys. She only interested if peoples talk to her. She will definately reply back with her own language with smiles n laughter.

For preemies, it is normal for them to develop slower than normal babies but to avoid delay in her development, i decided to do something. Therefore, i begin with introducing baby sign language as well as flash cards to stimulate her.

What is baby sign language? (adapted from Babies n Sign Language)

"Baby sign language is a method in which you and your infant (or toddler) use specific handshapes and motions to convey words and meaning (quickly and easily) with each other. These exact handshapes and motions are executed typically using American Sign Language.

This special type of communication significantly reduces frustration for your darling little one.

Most babies can hear but do not yet have the physical ability to speak more than a few words, if any. Since speech is formed through the use of trained vocal chords, most babies can only form basic sounds. Communication is difficult (at first) and is usually made up of unintelligible noises and hand gestures. When frustrated, communication dissolves into crying, whining and sometimes tantrums. When Baby is frustrated, so are Mommy and Daddy.

Sometimes when you look at the familiar in a new way, great ideas are formed. Hearing babies have been signing with their Deaf parents for ages.

Two researchers looked at American Sign Language (ASL), and at a baby's form of communication, and saw compatibility. As a result of the pioneer research by the team comprised of Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn, and (later years), of Joseph Garcia, Baby Sign Language was 'discovered' and developed.

Also called infant sign language, baby sign, and sign language for babies, Baby Sign Language is composed of baby hand and finger signs that indicate words, concepts, and ideas babies need and want to communicate. These are words like "hungry", "milk", "wet", "hurt", "sleepy", etc..."

I myself choose baby sign language because this will enable me to communicate with my baby as she prefer this way. Besides baby sign, i use flash cards to stimulate her. There are lots of websites that offer free downloads of flash cards to stimulate the babies' eyes and brains and i think this will benefit her as she has ROP before.

The other reason why i choose both methods because this is the most cheapest way to develop her as i can't afford expensive toys at the moment (soft toys yang berkualiti di Malaysia ni tersangat la mahalnyer yer!) I can only start buying her those toys only after i came back to work.

1 Readers' Says:

Cosmedecorte said...

Takpe. Lain baby lain development nye. Kat sini derang tak bagi pakai sarung kaki dan tangan sbb derang kata tak elok utk gripping.
Other than flash card, picture books also very good tau. Ulang byk2 kali nnt tetiba u will be surprise yg dia bleh sebut ayat dlm buku tu. Serious, sbb I was surprised b4.