Saturday, May 23, 2009

1st week @ day care

Aduiii.......lamanya tak apdet blog. Takdan la sejak keja nih. Kat ofis xleh suka suki nak online sbb kena login id segala....dah la tgh appraisal nih...mau kena downgrade satgi :D

Immediately mama sent lil Humaira Safiyyah in her day care (tok panggil sekolah), i went up to 21st floor, to my department just for a standby in case if any complications.....ngeeee......i wa as so nervous for the first few hours. Sempat la mana nak online sat, chat few words with colleague etc and at 12 sharp switched the notebook off and ready to fetch her. Upon arrival, i see her on her tummy position doing her own thing. Kesian anak mama takdak orang layan. That was my first thought. Later i brought her back home. Adussss.....lepas seksaan hari ni.

2nd day i fetch her @ 1.00pm immediately after having lunch with few friends. the caretaker said she did quite well. not so demanding but only cry for milk. Baiknya anak mama nih....cayang la mama.....

3rd day mama fetch her quite late, around 4pm after had such a wonderful makan2 with aunty tini n aunty seri. Depa 2 cuti for wesak day. Mama ended with stomache ache after had ayam penyet. Agaknya pedas sgt kot....sejak lps beranak ni mama punya perut quite sensitive to spicy food la

1 Readers' Says:

Izz Qayyim said...

Che Piah gambatterune...hehe..

weh!pi kolek shukudai kat blog chek sat na!