Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Her 1st day away from Mama

This morning i sent my lil Humaira Safiyyah to child care centre. Located at 1st floor, the same building at my work place. It is provided by the employer to their staffs. It's kinda orietation for her to get used with the taska (orientation for mama actually) as my very long leave will end next week and will be back to work on May 15th.

We arrived around 8.10am and i left the centre at 8.30. This is the 1st time i left her with a childminder. Normally i left her with my mother not more than 3 hours. Dan-dan tu jugak la mama ni sebak sangat rasanya. Sedih sgt sebab terpaksa berpisah dgn anak. Cemana la anak dara aku yang seorang itu hari ni. I hope she's doing well.

Will fetch her at 12.30 today........mama sedey nihhhhh.....kepala asik dok ingat dia ja

6 Readers' Says:

Anonymous said...

sabo jer lah kirah...
sumer mak-mak bekerja kena hadapi susana macam ney..


harnisafarina said...

Waa. Humairah dah kena pi childminder. Sabaq weh. Awai2 dulu aku pun teryak gak. Tapi trust me, sat ja budak2 ni ejas, esp since depa kecik lagi. And u r very lucky sbb company ada provide daycare. Maksudnya hang buleh selalu pi jenguk dia..

lina said...

besa lah cheyah... tapi nak wat camna... hang & dengan anak hang sabar ye....
at least apa-apa hal, dia dekat aje.

Cosmedecorte said...

I know how u feel!!! Sedih pun ada tp keje kena gi gak. That feeling mmg xsyok.
But the best part is that your baby is just downstairs. Senang. nak carik tempat keje yg camni gak la nnt. Kat mane yek kat Batu Pahat tu? Kena buat research ni hehehe ;P

azieazah said...

Teringat masa anak2 kecik dulu...

Keja plak tak ketahwan hala.. kena OT sampai malam2..

Ada sekali tu balik dah lewat, babysitter tak bagi bawak balik, dia soh anak (Along masa tu umoq 5,6 bulan) tidoq situ... kita pun okey ler, dah letih..

Tapi bila kui 11-12 malam, mana bleh tahan weyyy... dok menangih jer tingat kat dia...

sanggup tu pi amik tengah malam bawak balik.. Haruuuu....

(Laa ni Along tu dah umoq 18 tahun dahhh...)

Mazatul azura said...

Anak sulung ni memang terasa la sikit.. masuk 2 org daah kurang la terasanya... Sabaqla kirah ye...