Friday, December 19, 2008

Baby Sling

I bought baby carrier weeks ago as my husband won't be able to accompany me to the hospital every week. I need the carrier so that i can hold my little princess as well as a bag contains her formula, diaper etc. However, the carrier is quite big which doesn't fits her. Ruginya duit cek....sapa nak beli habaq mai....

Therefore, i decided to buy baby sling after few conversation with my dentist friend, Dr Cindy. I bought the item online which cost me more than the carrier i bought.

Yesterday, i use the sling to the hospital. Very convenient as she has a sound sleep inside the sling and i did not suffer back pain after a long time holding her. We were there from 8.30 to 3.00pm. Unfortunately, upon arrival at the hospital, everybody were staring at me and my little princess. Macam nampak alien...adoiyaiiiiiii.......depa ingat aku ni indon kot...helloooooooo..............even mat salleh carry their babies in sling tau.....again the person sitting next to me, in front of me and behind me looking at me again when i talked to my baby using bahasa perlis n english (i taught her bilanguange) agaknya nak mengkomferm aku ni bkn indon kot.

Pelik aku la org2 mesia nih...takleh tgk benda lain skit dr yg lain pakat kalut nak tengok. So, me dengan berlagaknya buat muka ala2 kembang semangkuk nak menunjukkan baby sling aku yang baru dan canggih nih.....

Even the doctor said that was a smart move to make myself and baby comfortable. Pedulikan apa org nak kata......that's what i thought in the early beginning...janji aku tak sakit badan n anak aku comfortable sudah

So here's the pic me using the sling with my little Humaira Safiyyah

Mama n Humaira Safiyyah

Mcm kangaroo plak

No more back pain

Intai skit.....


4 Readers' Says:

acu said...

ehemmm... aunty yg bg suggestion ni x dapat komisen ka??? hehehehee

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

aunty punya komisen ada.....sabaq2 baru nk tulih pg nih....heheheheher....

harnisafarina said...

awat hang beli online? kat the curve pun ada. rega masa dulu dlm rm60. hang beli how much? aku pun ada satu, kakak ipaq aku bagi adiah..

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

celah bedah mana la aku nk pi.....seri suh aku pi tgk kt jusco pun xleh nk pi tgk....dokter cindy hbq ada online aku beli truih ja la...sng skit.....kalo nk tgu pi cr seniri alamat 3-4 bln lg la br bley...