Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Swing vs Bouncer

Our little Humaira Safiyyah hardly sleep at night nowadays. It tooks us at least 1-2 hours to make her sleep. Dukung la, riba la sumer cara la kami buat.

One day, Aunty Seri adviced mama to put Humaira Safiyyah in swing like kakak Sarah. Mama n papa refused to do that as it will be so much trouble if we travel. Kalo balik kampung takpa la aunty...kalo nak pi coti2 mesia ka internasional ka xkan la mama nak angkut ndoi @ buai @ swing kottt.......hehehehe...... instead of swing, Aunty Seri advised mama to get a bouncer as an alternate to swing. Haaaa....yg ni blh dipertimbangkan dengan penimbang kat market tuh...hehehe....

Last saturday, Aunty Tinie n Uncle Zul visited us (depa nk tgk Humaira Safiyyah ja.....bkn nk tgk mama ngn papa sebenaqnya). They bought her a bouncer, orange color. We quickly use it and tried to put her in. Mula2 takmo la...meragam la jugak. After maghrib when we put her again in there and later she sleeps more than 3 hours. Lena betoi. Mama quickly sms Aunty Seri to inform and told her that she is right about the bouncer. 100 markah utk Aunty Seri. Hehehehe......

As the thing is already assembled when Aunty n Uncle bought it, we just simply put her in without checking on anything, assuming that the bouncer is fit enough for usage. After 2 days, using it, i found out that one of the metal stand was wrongly assembled. It was upside down. This was discovered by my brother who arrived on Monday morning. Aparaaaa...........mama, papa,uncle n aunty sorg pun tak pasan menda tuh terbalik.....padan la len macam ja....huhuhuuhuh.......truk betoiiiiiiii........

From last saturday until now i keep using it as she will sleep for at least 2 hours before wake up for feeding.

Thank you Aunty n Uncle for buying the bouncer for Humaira Safiyyah.Mama n Papa really appreciate that.

Here's some pic of her in bouncer.....The teddy ornaments Papa sudah amik boh dalam keta.....sori no Aunty

1st nite guna

Lena....blanket2 takmo yer mama

Bestnya lena


Besi yg bwh kanan tu la PakNgah discover terbalik kot....kuikuikuikui....

5 Readers' Says:

Izz Qayyim said...

woittttt...lena sakan aih che piahhhh..hehehe..muka bengkak sampai x nmpk batang lehiaq!go che piah go!cumie 6kelo dh nih...mari bersama2 memontelkan badan anak2 & juga ibu2(*^-^*)

ShiRex Avenue said...

terbalik pulak...patutla cungit bila kita letak dia mula-mula tu...hehehehe

azieazah said...

Heee rasa nak pi CULIK.. gebuuuuu...:D

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

Mak IQs....

Marin sudah 4.24kg dahhhhh.....adehhhhhh......mak dia depa kata selim dah sikitttttttt....hehehe

Aunty Tini.....

Awat la kita ni ala2 lembap sgt? smpi tak dh ok dh...mentennnnn..........

Kak Azie....

Ko jgn2 berani nk culik anak cek....kena smack down satgi....hehehe

anne rafei said...

akak ipar akak pun pakai menda ni. elok jugak rather than buai. inilah tempat dia bagi anak dia tido, inilah jugak tempat dia bagi anak dia makan. tak sure ini ke jugak dia buat jadik car seat anak dia. hehehe