Thursday, October 29, 2009

Issues @ Taska/Skul/Nursery/Daycare

We send our Safiyyah to a daycare provided by my company. To be specific, Taska Sime Darby. Few weeks ago, 1 parent emailed to all the parents in the mailing list about his son has been bullied by other tods in the daycare. The boy age 1 yr+. There was a few bitten n scracthes cases in the daycare. Almaklum la....budak2 baya tu yg tgh membesar dan tgh nk tumbuh gigi.

So, few mothers reply to that email including me. To me, no such thing a bully case at their age. Normal la kan to those kids. It is part and parcel of life as long as they are not having serious injury (no fracture, internal injury etc2222.....)

I told them that i am so thankful to have them to take care of my daughter. I admit that sometimes they lack of few minor things (lambat tukar nappy ended up the baby had nappy rash) To me, i just ignore the simple thing. If the nappy rash occur, i will ask them to put the medicated cream on n the problem settled. After that the story ends there. I think the manager has resolved the matter with the specific parents.

Last week, someone has told me that my email has been publicly published in a blog. I thought that the blog was written by a mother whose her baby is sent there. Unfortunately i found out that she has no longer sent her baby there and i don't even know her as when i sent my little pumpkin there, the baby was not in the taska. So, why bother? who are you to quote my email in your blog? So i called her and ask her favour to remove my email from her blog. She told me that she is not satisfy with the Taska's personnel. To me, it was her problem with the taska. Me takmo masuk campur. Kalo blh setel elok2. This is not appropriate when u simply quoted someone's email in your blog without the person's permission, without her/his knowledge n without his/her consent. (Kalo hangpa sure hangpa bengang gak)

After that so called 'conversation', she removed my email and the whole content of the posting. And added a new posting sounded so 'bengang' at me. After that bengang posting, another 'bengang' posting specially dedicated to me. Siap mendoakan kalo2 anak aku di timpa musibah kt taska, her words sounded like nak tepuk tgn padan muka kt aku la....

My conversation with her begin....

Me : Hi XXX, I am CheYah.....just want to know if the mummynbaby blog is yours?

Her : Yes, the blog is mine. y?

Me : I just found out that u quoted my email in ur blog. So sorry, but i dont feel comfortable about it. Can u remove my email from the posting?

Her : No. Your email is not there. It's already deleted

Me : The one that you delete was my email address but my name and the whole content of the email is there. Sejibik sejiban email i u copy. How can u said my email is not there (

Her : Ok2....if you said so, i will delete that. I delete the whole entry.

Me : U quoted my email in ur blog without my consent, without my knowledge n without my permission makes me uncomfortable. I don't know what had happened between u n the taska as when i send my baby there, u already stop sending ur baby to the taska. So what's ur problem? I also have a blog but i don't simply quoted other peoples' words in my blog without their consent. N besides my contact is there. Why don't u call n inform me 1st?

Her : U know...they never say sorry for what had baby felt sick yada....yada.....yada

Me : That is ur problem with the taska. Ur free to write whatever u want to but do not involves me in this. The email which i sent is only meant for internal discussion among the parents. Not to be circulated to outsiders. Besides i am using official email, not my personal. So before i made an official report to the authority, i think it is better for me to talk to u personally and if the email is still there, i will make the official report.

Her : Ok2...i dah delete dah the posting.
Me : If u tak puas hati, y don't u talk to the taska? or make a complaint?

Her : Susah la....the manager is ex-JKM

Me : Apa plak susahnya...u have the right

Her : I made a complaint before, tapi ya la kan...agaknya i x pandai ckp kot

Me : U write a good blog (
yes, i admit that she has a very beautiful blog) why don't you write an official report? Make a police report n a written report to the JKM. Let them investigate

Her : Tak guna la buat report pun. Takpa la....

Me : So XXX, as i want my email to be removed from your blog, thanks for your favor for doing so.

I wonder why she interprate my simple english differ that what i meant...i told her that i don't want to know the problem as she can solve with the taska on her own. Kalo tak puas hati jugak, she should make a report. If i am in her shoes, dah sah2 menda nih dh smpi ke menteri n silap2 masuk TV. Use your right. Apa nak takut kalo kita di pihak yg benar. Takat kutuk2 dlm blog tak jadi apa2 n besides the reader may have the wrong impression n mula la mak2 fobia nak hantar anak pi daycare.

To that mother......

I know how hard time you have while your baby was sick. I had more than that since a second my baby was born. I saw her dying, i saw her heart beat stop, i saw her motionless asking me to be with her, i saw her entire body with wires, i saw her being intubated, i saw her nose bleed due to anemia n blood transfusion, i saw her weight dropped day by day. I was afraid that she may blind, i was afraid that she may suffer with internal injury, i was afraid that she had brain damaged.

You should be thankful that you know she is healthy while she was born. I can only pray for her safety the moment she was out from my tummy. I can only touch n see her after 48 hours i gave birth to her. I only managed to hold n kiss her after 44 days she was brought to this world.

You should be thankful that she's gonna live forever while i was giving up to god that i am ready to let her go as i can't bear to see her condition worsened.

You should be thankful that you can breastfeed her as fast as 5 seconds when she was out from your tummy while i only managed to breastfeed her after 55 days she was born.

You should be thankful that you may not need to worry about her at all as she was with you the minute she was born while i was praying and crying every second while she was away from me for 60 days.

Your suffer was only 30% than i've ever had. So please don't misjudged me and don't pray for any incidents that may injure my baby as she had enough while she was born 13 months ago. I never do such thing to you but just asking ur favour to remove my email quoted in your blog.

So please, stop hoping and praying such thing for me as i never had that in my mind for your baby. I had more than what u had with the eczema on your baby so don't say that i don't feel it!!!

3 Readers' Says:

anne rafei said...

ada jugak org cenggini eh? patutlah itu hari abg made kata dia nak hantar barang, awak sibuk ke polis station.. kejut akak...

Cosmedecorte said...

Some ppl really need to learn some ethics in blog la.
Ade ke cursing org mcm tu. Nnt jadi kat diri sendiri baru tau.

'What goes around, comes around'

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

kak anne....

tu la yg pelik tuh....ntah hapa2 tah la pastu dia plak nk mengamuk2 kt org. krisis identiti kot.


i pun x paham la. konon kt blog dia skit punya la beretika. skali selamber badak jer nk cursing2 org. geram far x pnh bertembung kt bldg ni lg...maybe sbb i x kenal dia kot