Monday, November 5, 2007

It's the time....

I was waiting for so long to hear from him telling my mom that we are getting engaged. It happened last nite..unfortunately i was not there to witness the moment.

My mom arrived from Kuching yesterday afternoon. She went there last week for a trip kinda thing (lawatan sambil belajar ke apakebendatah...sumer makcik2 belaka).Today they will be attending UMNO meeting in PWTC.

As she arrived in the afternoon, we have to reschedule our plan to visit Qismina Najwa in HTAR, Klang. Luckily i have to go and fetch her in front of The Legend and sent her back home as she wanted to rest from a long trip.

Then we go straight to HTAR and visit Najwa.She was admitted last week due to Cellucitis, a skin infections.

We arrived home around 9 and fetched mom for dinner. So sorry....malas nk masak...hehehe...We had rice,tomyam,vege n other few things. At first i advised him to talk to my mom about our engagement thingy n he agreed. I was waiting till we finished eating but still he hasn't say any words on it. Then i dropped by to get some groceries as they were waiting in the car. When i returned i heard him asking how many rings should he bring....alamaaaakkkkkk.!!!!! terlepas la that moment...huhuhuh....i wanted to witnessed on my own but tak sempat....huhuhuhu.......

He mentioned that the wedding might need to be earlier as his brother planning to wed in July next year.Adoiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! y do i need to sacrifice my plan for other people? Asyik nk kena bg laluan ke pihak penaja ja.Take turn la..We planned to wed in mid of May next year but he mentioned that it may be brought forward to March...jgn clash ngn Tijah Manja dah la...sure makcik tu muncung plak...

Until today, i realised that i haven't do anything yet for my wedding.Alamakkkk.....sempat ker nih?????? The hantaran for bertunang pun tak prepare lg...huhuhuhu......where should i start??????

2 Readers' Says:

Izz Qayyim said...

omedetou!!!!!syok x sangga la diaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

Gedebuk gedebak nihhhhhh..........takuit wooo.......