Monday, August 4, 2008

40 Beautiful Weeks

Since end of June i felt something different about myself. Kalo jln byk2 mula la nk lenguh kaki la, kaki krem la and the worst thing i'll had pain under my belly. Thought that my menses is just around the corner and sometimes i thought that i had urine infections as i always urinate especially at nite. Tapikan, besa laaaa.......jenih yg x suka pi doc and i did not tell my husband about it. If i told him so, mula la nk hingaq. He kept saying that i should reduce a lot more weight to avoid muscle cramps and excercise alot as well.

Besides that, I tend to be very sensitive lately. Skit2 nak keryau...skit2 nk keryau.....pantang kena tegoq skit. And there's one time when my mom is in town but she wanted to stay at Gemok's place and refused to stay with us in Gombak n end up made me cry. Kecik ati la tuh.....Adoi laaaaaa......emo betoi......but the truth is my mom x reti tukaq2 lrt to PWTC. If she's from Gemok's place aka my former rumah sewa, trus jer naik lrt smpi PWTC differ if she's from Gombak. Needs to change at Masjid Jamek stn.Satgi ntah mana2 la plak mak aku pi....naya punya kes.

I talked to Kak Umi (in writing actually) as she is now is waiting for 2nd baby. She suggested me to do the UPT. I bought a self test kit from the pharmacy, dropped by at Kinokuniya to get a book on pregnancy (i bought 2 actually) and went back home.

The following morning as i woke up for Subuh, i did the test on my own in the bathroom. 2 pink lines appear......hah!!!!!!!!! what a positive result after 1 test. Gedebak gedebuk aku.....after prayer i woke my husband to tell him that we'r having our baby soon.....haaaaa........amikkk.......terkejut member...spontaneously hugged n kissed me and truih bangun pi solat subuh......later i saw his teary eyes. I think he never expect that we'r having a baby soon as i have some difficulties on my menses. The following day, we went to the doctor and the doc has confirmed that i am 6th weeks pregnant. (12th weeks by now)

From that day, he sent me to work and did not allow me to take lrt anymore...bestnya dimanjakan nihhhhhh......there's helping hands anywhere, everywhere.....sakit pinggang ka, sakit kepala ka ada la yg nak tlg picitkan walaupun tak la sesempurna mana...kdg2 tu tgh picit kepala...bedepuk tangan kt muka den....hehehe...terlena punya pasai la tuh (org dh tlg byk komplen plak....thanks dear.....)

The first person to know was Kak Umi, later my ZARS frens and Nur. Then my mom and parents in laws, my pak ngah and mak ngah and PCP....y PCP? he deserves to know as he was the 1st person to encourage me on my relationship with my husband...kiranya pakar rujuk la nih......later my bosses, colleagues and few tok said jgn seronok sangat awai2 nih......but i can't stop myself to tell those peoples around me yet, i am still secretive to some other peoples termasuk la makcik sorg yg menyibuk tuh......awak tu anak dara...toksah la dok sibuk hal2 org yg dh kawen nih......kaco jerrrr.......tiap2 hr jumpa kt ofis mesti nk tny. Dok dendiam dah ler......

I pray everyday that my baby and i in good conditions. Insyaallah....hopefully everything goes well.

4 Readers' Says:

lina said...

Tak sempat bagi hadiah kawen, cek dah kena beli hadiah baby lak bagi kat ko cheyah oit! :D

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

Kak Lina....bulih ker rekues nak apa? Kalo bulih rekues nak email list nih...hehehehe......

Anonymous said...

salam perkenalan.
good news should be share with everyone. makes life more merrier.
update la byk2 citer pasal pregancy kat mesia. bleh jadi benchmark utk kite in the future nnt :D

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

Hi Farah...thanks for i ni xder menda sebenaqnya...merapu meraban jer lebih....