Friday, August 1, 2008

Disclosure.......second episode

I have my own right whether to disclose or undisclosed my personal matter to others. Dalam bahasa kasaqnya...sukati aku la..hidup aku kan!!!!!!......

Sometimes in life, it takes a lot of time for me to decide whether to disclose any personal matter to public or not. Sometimes, i tend to be secretive as i think it was not a good time to disclose especially to frens. When i want to share any good news with others, i will choose the most suitable time to tell them. It is not as simple as....'woittttt.......jom pi makan laksa!!!!!!!!!!'.

Eventhough i am telling peoples the best news ever in my life, i may need to consider other peoples' feelings. Takkan la nak habaq time orang tu masuk icu plak kan? satgi x pasai2 ja blood pressure naik mendadak. I wanted to be very fair. To me, peoples' feelings, my frends especially much more important than my news to be shared with them. Nak jaga hati kawan la konon....last2 makan diri laaa.......

But....peoples may not understand this and just simply make any assumptions towards my reactions. Lantak la nak kata apa pun....i just don't bother walaupun hati sakit la jugak......the truth is, i have my own reason and only few peoples know why i did this.

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