Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My pregnancy......the food intake

My first trimester end with full of joy except for my muscle cramps as well as my mengidam mood for sweet things. Since preggy, I love to have chocolates & ice cream (sorry dear, u can’t stop this. It’s our baby….not me….hehehehe)

I will take ice cream and chocolates at least 2-3 times a week. Soooooo…….yummy….i cant stop taking these lovely sweet little things until today. Luckily I don’t take much sugar for my drinks. No sugar, no creamer. Just a plain milo, fruit juices without sugar. I will only take a teaspoon of sugar with my English tea. No salty food as well (lauk saya kureng garam). Since past 2 antenatal check ups my BP and sugar level are at the normal level and it surprised the doctor. Sorry yer doc…igt saya ni chomel x jaga mkn ka? Summer control….gula, garam….

Since I don’t eat a lot, just a normal 3 meals a day i.e breakfast, lunch and dinner I didn’t gained any weight. Still maintain at 82kg till my last check up. I am so happy for it as I hardly maintain my weight since past few years. Baju lama dah boleh pakai….ketat kat perut jer….marvelesssssss………hehehehe……

Peoples advice me to take balance diet with a lot of fruits, vege and dairy products and the list goes. Fruits and vege fine with me. But dairy products alahaiiiii…….i can only tahan with butter and cheese. Cow’s milk? Ayoyoyoyo…….i anak mak ok!!! Minum susu mak only.

I bought this EnfaMama Chocolate Flavoured pregnancy milk which cost me +-RM40 for half kilo of the powdered milk. At first, I mixed it with hot milo and drank it with few slices of wholemeal bread. Minutes after I finished the drink, all went down to drain. Sudah uwek laaa……I cannot tahan with the ‘lembu’ smell…..eeuuuuuu…….cannot go laaaaa………it took me a week to think what should I do with this expensive drink. So sorry dear, feel like wasting ur money. But I really can’t take it. Only soy everyday.

One day, my very super duper brilliant idea came in. I mixed the powder with soy milk, bananas and ice cubes. Blend it using my new Philips food processor, a wedding gift from my frens and wallaaaaa………a healthy ice blended for a mom-to-be to be enjoyed with her baby in her stomach. So yummy so delicious.

Actually, my eating habits changed a lot. No more asam or jeruk for me now. Tak boleh makan la plakkkkk….previously, I can’t stop myself taking those asam,jeruk, mangga muda,cermai,kedondong etc222…..i will definitely have it with garam belacan or even garam itself. Now I can’t take it at all. Rasa 1 macam la plak. I am waiting to have sugarcane in the next few weeks. I got this from my mom actually. She was carrying me while she mengidam for tebu…tebu yer…bukan ayaq tebu. Sedapnyaaaaaaa…….i can’t wait to go back and ask pak mid for some tebu grown at his backyard.

As I crave for sweet things, my hubby keep warning me not to take a lot of chocolates as he is so worry that our baby will turn chocolate after birth….(come on Papa….it is not scientifically proven…merepek ja sumer tuh…hehehehe…..). Actually, I am prohibited to take all dark coloured drink or food especially coffee and even ‘kicap’ (we called this toyu) as he is so afraid to have a dark coloured baby. (Papa…look at Mama when she was born….looks like Chinese and they said mama was an adopted Japanese baby thrown from the train…I’ll write about this later). I keep arguing about this with my beloved husband….no such thing dear….but definitely she/he will have our small little eyes.

5 Readers' Says:

Anonymous said...

Takpe2 u can gain weight at least 10 kg for the whole pregnancy. Meaning 1kg every month. 1st trimester mmg xramai yg naik berat nnt nak akhir2 tu yg tetiba naik sbb nak pulun b4 berpantang hehehehe
Kalau nak menyeksakan diri lagi, try limit until 5kg increase je from normal weight. Sbb 5kg is approximately the weight of the baby + air mentuban etc. More than 5kg meaning lemak yg berlebihan.
Mase nurse ckp pasal ni, I gelak je sbb tau sgt mana buleh wat. xsanggup nak menyiksakan diri huhuhu

azieazah said...

small little eyes? cute whaatttttt.... ehehehe..

Memang tak apa makan kicap sekalipun..

Soya good, teruskan.. Setiap makanan yang baik jika dimakan berlebihan pasti akan jadi tak baik..

So berpada-pada... ikut rasa dan pertimbangan diri jer... no worries laa...

Pengalaman mengandung pengalaman bestttt wooooo....

Mental kena kuat... insyaAllah.. doa selalu...
Next bila bulan sekian sekian... kita share lain citer plak ekkk....

lina said...

ni Kak Lina kau nak cerita - dulu masa mengandung, mengidam kicap. boley minum saja itu kicap, anak cek putih melepak tau. Kicap itu kan soya. soya kan bagus. :-)

Izz Qayyim said...

hehe..betoi betoi..kicap ok ja!lgpn mengidam ni ada musim..ada member punya la pantang kicap & dok pulun soya bean,kuag anak berkilat gak..nak wat cemano..itam2 pon klu x sakit demam alhamdulillahhhhhh

yes!mental mmg kena kuat.skang ni perut kecik lagi insyaAllah bleh sabag..sok dah besag dh adededededeh..tonjoi sana tonjoi sini..sakit montot lah apalah..mula la nk tonjoi kepala bapak dia!sakit woooo...apa2pon bukan senang nk dpt sorg2..gambaroune!!!!sok tgk muka anak sejuk ja hati...sama2 kita doa utk yg terbaik no cheyahhhhhhhhhh(*^-^*)

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

so far i mkn menten la lagi..xleh mkn byk2 sbb kalo overload mesti keluaq blk...kalo blh xmo la naik berkilo2 cam guni beras tuh..jenuh nk pekecik badan blk pasni...huhuhuu......kebayaku byk menanti nuhhhhh.......

Kak Azie....
cek dok tunggu tebu kunin nihhh......mana dia????

Kak Lina oittttt..dia takot anak dia itam xdak sapa berkenan....

Kak ni dok krem kaki la,lenguh kaki la...perot cekang la...montot x sakit la ma mai time dia dok x sengap tu mengah wehhhh......x kira siang mlm aihhhh.....pak dok lena kroh2 kita xleh lena plakkk......