Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I received my increment and promotion letter end of July.Alhamdulillah, i got better increment as well as promotion this year. The increment was merely 15% and this made me have to pay the income tax for the first time. Adesssss.......amat tidak suka saya....rugi beb bayor income tax nih.

What i did with my increment this month was paying debt to my mom (banyaknya lagi nk kena setel...bestnya ceti plak dia)

Last friday almost 7.00pm i received a phone call from my boss. I was at my in laws' place (my brother in laws' wedding was the day before) to help them clean up the house. Due to that, the phone was off and tak sempat la cek nak jawab call tuh. I wonder why she called me so late. Tapi malas punya pasai, i didn't return her call.

On monday, i resume my work in the office the first thing in the morning my boss called me into her room. I thought that it was nothing as we always gossip to each other. Hehehe....then she handed me that bonus letter saying that the amount of the bonus granted to me blablabla.......

Hatiku berbunga2...hehehe....this is the best bonus and increment i received since i joined this conglomerate. Thank you boss....hehehe

My plan for this very big 5 figures bonus (and large amount of EPF and income tax deduction as well...huhuhuhu.......) will be bayaq hutang, savings (large amount of it) and something for myself..a new handphone maybe....errrmmmmmm........nak chap apa eks? Lemme think of it first....or shall i get a necklace for myself? Yang mana 1 nak pilih nih? But definately bajet for raya increase this year. Bagi mak, mak mentua, pak mentua, adik2 ipaq......adessss.....panjangnyer bajet......once a year pun kan...hopefully i can manage my money well.....simpan siap2 yang nak disimpan...kendian baru spend......

6 Readers' Says:

lina said...

OKB lah sekarang nih! Belanja wooitt! Hehehe

Izz Qayyim said...

bok mai sini skit weyyyyyyy..bayag zakat!

Anonymous said...

My mom instead of bayar tax byk2 dia bayar zakat lelebih sket. Jadi bayar tax kurang sket dan dpt beramal.

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

Oit kak lina....
lps tolak utang, tolak savings,tolak menda2 nak beli utk baby tinggai la 5 kupang...bulih beli coq badak ja seketoi...heheheh

Hi Farah...

Actually this is my 1st time kena tax...selalu tak kena pon...gaji far x penah la pi bayaq zakat kt pusat zakat...dok pi bayaq cenggitu ja la bila2 rasa ada duit tuh....x penah mintak resit pon..

Oit kak umi...

tgh dok simpan det nk pi nihon nihhhh.....mana bleyyyyyyy......nak terai test naik Mazda MPV...hehehe..

lina said...

samalah dgn Zaini. Prefer bayar zakat dari bayar tax (tax refund pun dah dekat setahun nih ntah bila dpt). Chek gaji tak banyak, tak kena tax. hehehe bukan mcm cheyah, kaya :-)

azieazah said...

Yang terlintas dalam kepala Kak AZIE ialah... ini ialah rezeki anak dalam kandungan...

Sbb ada kawan pun mcm tu gak... Siap dapat rumah baru lagi... sbb tengah mengandung.. macam2 dia dapat tanpa diduga..

Apapun Alhamdulilahh...
belanja la cheq Sphageti....:D:D