Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our First Nite

My little Humaira has been transferred to recovery room yesterday at 6.00pm. Therefore, i am required to be admitted with her so that i can take care of her as well as breastfeeding her. I was a bit challengging as this would be the first time i need to do everything for her, changing nappy, feeding etc. Everything goes well as her papa arrived after maghrib and wait untill 10.00pm (all parents whose children are here need to leave this NICU by 10.00pm unless any emergency cases)

She is awake untill 10.30 and later has a sound sleep. She woke up again for feeding at 12.30 and i managed to give her 20ml of express milk as she is unable to suck my nipple properly (first time la katakan...mama pun kelam kabut gak...). She sleep around 1.30 and woke up again at 3.30 for another feeding. She really can be papa's football buddy. Pasni malam2 kalo Humaira mangkit nk minum mama handover to papa la....

Such a morning person, she woke up at 5.30 and awake until 6.45. Adoiyaiiii........mama pun rasa nak demam dah nih...dah la air-cond sejuk x sangga ( i am not an aircond tolerate which can caused my body temp higher at nite). She later sleep untill 8 which the nurses came in to weight her and if her body temperature is fine, they will bathe her. Unfortunately, she is not fit to be bathe, agaknya semalam sejuk sgt kot. I just need to changed her diaper, her kimono look a like dress and her swaddle.

It was a good experience on our first nite and today i sleep while she's sleeping and wake up when she needs some milk. Dua2 blh rest...takdak la weng mama mlm ni. And the best thing is she is able to suck my nipple properly since today's afternoon. I am so glad that she can manage to do it and i want her to be healthy. Just can't wait to bring her back home

Perangai terbaru.....mesti tidoq kat riba mama dulu sebelum masuk cot. Tak tidoq kalu mau dok merengek sorang2.....anak mama......such a wonderful feelings

3 Readers' Says:

Anonymous said...

So happy for u and hope to see a pic of baby humairah :D

Leonora Halim said...

sukanyaaaaa...... aku yg excited.......... nanti kalo dah bawak balik umah....... aku nak gi melawat.... tak kiraaaaaaaa.........

lina said...

glad that she alright and fine and all. Bila boleh bawak balik rumah?