Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Worried Mother

My little Humaira Safiyyah suffer weight loss since i started feeding her on sunday. From 1.73kg, her weight reduced to 1.69kg and today 1.64kg. I am so worry about this. The specialist just came for a visit and i told him that i forced her to take more milk but she refused.

The doctor said not to worry about this as this is normal for them as they started breastfeeding, these babies will have some reduction in weight as they use energy to suck. Do not force your babies to take more milk. Let them take as much as they need day or night.

Haaaaa.......lega mama...dah la anak kecik ja....makin pipinya menten gebu...heheheh.......still active as usual and very demanding now. No bising2, no wet nappy, no swaddle. Swaddle kalu alamat tgn terkeluaq la after 10 mins.

Mama kalut betoi laaaaaaa........Humaira Safiyyah menten jaaaa......and today she had her first bath too!!!!.......

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