Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mama....Papa & Humaira Safiyyah

After 60 days our Humaira Safiyyah went back home with us. I am so glad and so grateful to bring her back. But first 48hours at home is very crucial. We have to monitor everything. Her body temp, her breathing, her milk intake. We must be very extra alert and careful and must be hygiene too...

For the first nite, we decided to put her in bed with us. (sebenaqnya baby cot x beli lg). I have to sleep in the middle as we put her on the left side against the wall. Takdak la insiden terpenyek ka jatuh katil ka. While we have very sound sleep, suddenly i hear her voice. Alahaiiiii........anak mama tak lena rupanya. Dok main sorg2. Siannya anak mama nih. I feed her at 2.30 and she sleeps until 5.15. Feed her again and later we sleep until 7.30. Subuh gajah la nih.....truk betoiiii.....

We had a very good time last nite and hope we may expreince the best time throughout her growing up years......

2 Readers' Says:

lina said...

baguihlah, dah balik rumah dah...
Bila cek boley melawat nih?

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

oit kak lina...tunggu sebulan dua lg dia besaq ni xleh sbb takut infections