Monday, November 17, 2008

And the answer is........

A PLAYPEN..........

After considering my frens' advices, i decided to get a playpen for our little princess... (gambaq akan di updet kendian). These are few reasons why i choose the playpen :

1. Mobile - as both of us from the north and we may need to travel regularly, the playpen is more suitable. It can be folded and comes with travelling bag which we can easily throw the playpen in the car boot. So nak balik kampung punya isu setel.....kt mana2 dia blh tidoq...

2. Cost - due to higher inflation rate and economic turndown recently, we need more savings for our future property,medical bills, household expenses etc, we need something cheaper and economical. So, this is the best. It cost me merely RM200 (actually, my mom bought it for her granddaughter...but still, i choose the cheapest....xleh la demand sgt)

3. Space - currently we are renting a 2 room landed house. Quite small for us who live in a bigger house before.(rumah kt kpg ada 6 bilik....awat x kecik sungguh dok umah nin). Most of our things still unpack until we got our own property. So, we can easily store this playpen if we don't need it by folding it and keep it in the bag.

4. Usage - i can still use this when she grows up. I can put her toys, dolls etc in there and let her play while i am doing my work at home. Setelllll...........

3 Readers' Says:

lina said...

wei, beli rumah banglo lah cheyah... boleh aku datang numpang todi! Muahaha

Sya-Hanim Husni said...

weit kak lina...angan2 tuh...nak buat bengelo siap ada sewiming fool lg tau...jgn jeles...hehehehe......

Anonymous said...

mase beli baby cot utk anak i dulu. xterpk langsung pasal playpen ni. Bile dah beli baby cot baru la terpandang playpen. Regret gak sket sbb bile anak dah beso sket(seblum merangkak sampai seblum berjalan) bleh letak dlm playpen tu dan xlah risau sgt.Takut terjatuh ke etc. Kire safe la jugak. So since i takde playpen I made my house baby safe as possible.
Anyways, berblk pada baby cot tu. I gune sampai anak i 1thn 2, 3 bln je. The cot became too small for him. Tido buas semacam. Then I belikan dia portable single bed. Lebih beso dan selesa utk dia.
Baby yg membesa ni mcm kena upgrade slalu.